Monterey 2031 - General Plan Update

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Help Build A Housing Plan for Monterey!

Monterey 2031 is an important citywide project that involves updates to the Housing, Land Use, and Safety Elements of the City of Monterey General Plan to respond to emerging issues and new State laws. The update will be a collaborative effort between the City and its residents to create a blueprint that will guide Monterey in the years to come. All cities and counties in California are required by law to have a general plan. Like other communities in the Monterey Bay Area, the City is required to update the Housing Element of the General Plan by December 15, 2023 to address demographic trends, market conditions, and new State laws. Amid the ongoing housing shortage in California, Monterey is required to plan for 3,654 new houses over the next 8 years to accommodate this projected need. The Land Use Element will need to be updated to ensure consistency with the 2019 Monterey Regional Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. At the same time, State law triggers requirements to incorporate new data on natural hazards and climate change into the Safety Element along with actions to strengthen community resilience and emergency evacuation capacity.

Critical issues to be addressed in the General Plan Update include:

  • Housing supply and affordability
  • Land use mix and community character
  • Climate change and community resilience
  • Fire hazard planning update
  • Airport-related hazards, compatibility zones, and airport noise contours
  • Emergency preparedness and response
  • Impact of new growth on military readiness activities

Community participation is integral to the process and a broad-based, inclusive community engagement program will help provide opportunities for everyone in Monterey to have their say. Read more below to learn about the project, the timeline, and ways to get involved. Sign up on the top right of this page to stay informed via email.

Watch a short video to learn more about the key phases of Housing Elements: Housing Element Explainer 2022

Help Build A Housing Plan for Monterey!

Monterey 2031 is an important citywide project that involves updates to the Housing, Land Use, and Safety Elements of the City of Monterey General Plan to respond to emerging issues and new State laws. The update will be a collaborative effort between the City and its residents to create a blueprint that will guide Monterey in the years to come. All cities and counties in California are required by law to have a general plan. Like other communities in the Monterey Bay Area, the City is required to update the Housing Element of the General Plan by December 15, 2023 to address demographic trends, market conditions, and new State laws. Amid the ongoing housing shortage in California, Monterey is required to plan for 3,654 new houses over the next 8 years to accommodate this projected need. The Land Use Element will need to be updated to ensure consistency with the 2019 Monterey Regional Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. At the same time, State law triggers requirements to incorporate new data on natural hazards and climate change into the Safety Element along with actions to strengthen community resilience and emergency evacuation capacity.

Critical issues to be addressed in the General Plan Update include:

  • Housing supply and affordability
  • Land use mix and community character
  • Climate change and community resilience
  • Fire hazard planning update
  • Airport-related hazards, compatibility zones, and airport noise contours
  • Emergency preparedness and response
  • Impact of new growth on military readiness activities

Community participation is integral to the process and a broad-based, inclusive community engagement program will help provide opportunities for everyone in Monterey to have their say. Read more below to learn about the project, the timeline, and ways to get involved. Sign up on the top right of this page to stay informed via email.

Watch a short video to learn more about the key phases of Housing Elements: Housing Element Explainer 2022

  • Revised Draft 2023-2031Housing Element Submitted to HCD for Review

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    On April 30, 2024, the City submitted the revised Draft 2023-31 Housing Element, updated to respond to HCD's comment letter of December 22, 2023.The revised Draft Element was made available for public comment between April 18 and April 30, 2024 during which time 56 comments on the content of the revised draft were received. A letter from the Monterey-Salinas-Transit recommended incorporating a revision to a policy in support of infill in locations with pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure; a letter from the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP) expressed support of the Element overall and recommended some revisions to programs to further support development feasibility; a letter from LandWatch reiterated opposition to development at Ford Ord; and fifty-three letters primarily from residents of the unincorporated area south of the City of Monterey expressed concerns for the cumulative impacts of housing development in the Highway 68 Area in combination with housing development pursuant to the County of Monterey Housing Element in the same vicinity.

    Given that the revised content of the Draft Element has been reviewed informally with HCD over the past several months, the City's submittal to HCD requests an expedited review of the Draft Element in anticipation of the scheduled hearing before the City Council on June 18, 2024.

    Cover Letter to HCD dated April 30, 2024

    Volume 1 - Draft Housing Element

    Appendix A - Sites Inventory
    Appendix A - Monterey Sites Inventory HCD Form
    Appendix B - Needs Assessment
    Appendix C - Housing Constraints
    Appendix D - AFFH Analysis
    Appendix E - Fifth Cycle Accomplishments
    Appendix F - Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections
    Appendix G - Outreach Materials
    Letters received during online posting, April 17 - April 30, 2024

  • Revised Draft 2023-31 Housing Element Available for Public Review

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    Under State law, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) must review and certify the City's 2023-31 Housing Element as complete. On December 22, 2023 HCD completed review of the Draft Housing Element, finding that while it meets many of the statutory requirements, some revisions are needed for full compliance with State law. The City has been working directly with HCD staff to ensure revisions made adequately address the comments. The Revised Draft Housing Element is now available for public review before it is formally resubmitted to HCD for certification. The City intends to resubmit on Friday, April 26, 2024 and a Joint Planning Commission and City Council hearing is anticipated in June, when the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update (including the Housing Element) and EIR will be considered for adoption.

    Documents to be submitted to HCD on April 30, 2024:

    Comments can be sent to the Planning Division by emailing Christy Sabdo, Senior Associate Planner: or mailing a letter to City of Monterey Planning Division, 580 Pacific Street, Monterey, CA 93940. All comments received will be shared with the Planning Commission and City Council ahead of the public hearing planned in June 2024.

  • 45-Day Public Review Period Begins for the Draft Program-Level Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update

    Share 45-Day Public Review Period Begins for the Draft Program-Level Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update on Facebook Share 45-Day Public Review Period Begins for the Draft Program-Level Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update on Twitter Share 45-Day Public Review Period Begins for the Draft Program-Level Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update on Linkedin Email 45-Day Public Review Period Begins for the Draft Program-Level Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update link
    supporting image

    The City of Monterey invites comments on the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update Draft EIR during a 45-day public comment period that begins on February 9, 2024 and ends on March 25, 2024 at 5:00 PM.

    Project Background: The Project under review is the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update, which includes updates to the City of Monterey Housing, Land Use, Safety, and Circulation Elements, and is intended to respond to emerging issues and new State laws and guide development and conservation within the Planning Area. The following are some of the specific objectives of the targeted General Plan Update: 1) Address the Regional Housing Needs Allocation, 2) Provide a variety of housing opportunities, 3) Provide equal housing opportunities, 4) Address affordable housing needs, 5) Address the housing needs of special needs groups, 6) Remove potential constraints to housing, 7) Maintain existing housing, 8) Provide adequate housing sites, 9) Promote sustainability and energy efficiency, 10) Address risks from natural hazards, and 11) Consistency with the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan.

    Draft EIR Overview: This Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) evaluates the potential impacts of the proposed Monterey 2031 General Plan, referred to as the “Proposed Plan.” The Proposed Plan is both a policy document and an implementation tool for implementing the City’s General Plan. It contains goals, policies, and programs to guide future housing development within the approximately 8.7-square-mile Planning Area. The Proposed Plan was developed in response to policy direction provided by the City Council, Planning Commission, and community. This Draft EIR has been prepared on behalf of the City of Monterey, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City of Monterey is the lead agency for this EIR, as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq. (CEQA).

    The Draft EIR is a public information document that assesses the potential physical environmental impacts that could result from implementation of the Project, recommends mitigation measures to lessen or eliminate adverse impacts, examines feasible alternatives to the Project, and is intended to inform City of Monterey decision makers, other responsible agencies and the public. The Draft EIR evaluates potential physical environmental impacts that could result from the Project and identifies that the Project may have significant and unavoidable impacts in the following areas: agricultural resources, air quality, greenhouse gases, transportation, utilities, and wildfire.

    Public Review and Comment Period: The City invites comments on the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update Draft EIR during a 45-day comment period that begins on February 9, 2024, and ends on March 25, 2024 at 5:00 PM. The City directs comments to be submitted via email to Alternatively, comments may also be submitted in writing by hand delivery or mail to Christy Sabdo, AICP, Senior Associate Planner, City of Monterey Planning Division, 580 Pacific Street, Monterey, CA 93940. Please reference Monterey 2031 General Plan Update Draft EIR Comments in all correspondence.

    The public hearing, anticipated to be held April of 2024, will be noticed separately.

    Updated Draft General Plan Elements:

  • City Submits Responses to HCD's Initial Comments on the Draft Housing Element

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    The Draft Housing Element was submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on September 26, 2023 for a legally-mandated 90-day review period that runs through December 22, 2023. In the interest of expediting certification of the Element, HCD provided a preliminary checklist to the City on November 30, which requested some clarifications and additions to the Draft Element. The City has prepared these changes, shown in redline in the PDF files below, and is making them available for public review and comment prior to resubmittal to HCD on December 15, 2023.

    A formal letter from HCD is anticipated on December 22, which may identify additional changes needed to ensure the Draft Housing Element is fully compliant with State law; however, the revisions in this interim submittal will minimize additional edits and revisions to be requested by HCD.

    Documents submitted to HCD on December 8, 2023:

    HCD's Initial Review Questions and City Responses

    Revised Draft Housing Element Volume 1

    Appendix A Sites Inventory

    Appendix B Needs Assessment

    Appendix C Housing Constraints

    Appendix D AFFH Analysis

    Appendix E Fifth Cycle Accomplishments

    Appendix F Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections

    Appendix G Outreach Materials

  • Major Milestone Met - Draft Housing Element Submitted to the State

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    The City has met a major milestone of the Monterey 2031 Project. The Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element, covering the planning period from December 15, 2023 to January 15, 2031, was submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on September 26, 2023. The Draft Housing Element was available for public review between August 2 - September 4, 2023. A community open house was held at the Monterey Conference Center during the public review period to introduce the Draft Housing Element to the community and receive comments. Following the close of the public comment period, a joint meeting was held before the Planning Commission and City Council to review public input and receive direction to submit the Draft Housing Element to the State for review. HCD has 90-days to review the City of Monterey's Draft Housing Element. The City will coordinate with HCD during the 90-day review period and begin responding to their comments.

    The contents of the submittal to the State can be found below:

    Cover Letter to HCD

    Volume I - Draft Housing Element Chapters 1-4

    Volume II - Appendices:

    Appendix A Sites Inventory

    Appendix B Needs Assessment

    Appendix C Housing Constraints

    Appendix D Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

    Appendix E Fifth Cycle Accomplishments

    Appendix F Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections

    Appendix G Outreach Materials

    The Monterey 2031 Project also includes updates to the Land Use, Safety, and Circulation Element. On August 23, 2023, the County of Monterey Airport Land Use Commission found the Circulation Element updates consistent with the 2019 Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the Monterey Regional Airport. Staff and consultants continue working on updates to the Land Use and Safety Elements. The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and supporting studies are currently being prepared. Public review of the DEIR is anticipated to occur this fall.

  • Draft Housing Element Comes Before City Council and Planning Commission at Joint Special Meeting, Tuesday, Sep. 19 at 7:00 p.m.

    Share Draft Housing Element Comes Before City Council and Planning Commission at Joint Special Meeting, Tuesday, Sep. 19 at 7:00 p.m. on Facebook Share Draft Housing Element Comes Before City Council and Planning Commission at Joint Special Meeting, Tuesday, Sep. 19 at 7:00 p.m. on Twitter Share Draft Housing Element Comes Before City Council and Planning Commission at Joint Special Meeting, Tuesday, Sep. 19 at 7:00 p.m. on Linkedin Email Draft Housing Element Comes Before City Council and Planning Commission at Joint Special Meeting, Tuesday, Sep. 19 at 7:00 p.m. link

    A joint special meeting with City Council and Planning Commission is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on September 19, 2023. Residents can participate either in-person or online via Zoom. City staff will provide a report that includes a summary of public comments, as well as recommended staff changes related to the 2023-2031 Draft Housing Element, part of the Monterey 2031 General Plan update. There are two agenda items pertaining to this topic, as follows:

    1. AGENDA REPORT: Review a Summary of Public Comments Received During the Required 30-Day Public Comment Period on the 2023-2031 Draft Housing Element (Joint Special Meeting with City Council and Planning Commission)
    2. AGENDA REPORT: Approve or Direct any Changes to the Public Review Draft of the Housing Element; and Authorize the City Manager to send a Revised Draft Housing Element to HCD to Start the Legally Mandated 90-day HCD Review (City Council)
      1. Draft Resolution
      2. 2023 - 2031 Housing Element Public Review Draft
      3. Minutes from June 20, 2023 City Council Meeting
      4. Summary of Public Comments on the Draft Housing Element
      5. Staff Recommended Revisions to the Draft Housing Element

    The agenda reports and attachments are also posted at

  • Community turns out for the August 7th Community Open House

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    Over 80 community members attended the Community Open House at the Monterey Conference Center on Monday, August 7, 2023 to learn about the content of the Draft 2023-31 Housing Element and share their thoughts on proposed strategies to meet projected housing needs in Monterey. The Scoping Meeting for the Draft Environmental Impact Report was also held. PDFs of the display boards are posted at, and include extensive data, survey results, addressing barriers to housing, sites available for housing, and much more.

  • Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update

    Share Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update on Facebook Share Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update on Twitter Share Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update on Linkedin Email Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update link

    The City of Monterey will be the Lead Agency and will prepare a programmatic Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update (Proposed Project). The Proposed Project involves updates to the Housing, Land Use, Safety, and Circulation Elements of the City of Monterey General Plan to address emerging issues and new State laws.

    Public agencies and members of the general public are invited to provide comments in writing as to the scope and content of the EIR. Specifically, the City needs to know the views of Responsible and Trustee Agencies as to the potentially significant environmental issues, reasonable alternatives, and mitigation measures that are germane to each agency's statutory responsibilities in connection with the Project. Responsible Agencies will need to use the EIR prepared by the City when considering permits or other approvals for the Project.

    NOP Review Period - Due to the time limits mandated by State law, responses must be sent at the earliest possible date, but no later than the close of the NOP review period, which runs as follows: August 2, 2023 through September 4, 2023. Please send written responses to Christy Sabdo, Associate Planner, City of Monterey at the address shown in the attached NOP. Public agencies providing comments are requested to include a contact person for the agency.

    EIR Scoping Meeting and Draft Housing Element Open House to be held Monday, August 7, 2023 from 6 - 8:30pm at the Monterey Conference Center, 1 Portola Plaza, Monterey. Registration is encouraged, but not required. Register at

    Review the Notice of Preparation

  • 2023 - 2031 Draft Housing Element

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    supporting image

    Today, August 2, 2023, the 2023-31 Draft Housing Element is being released for public review. The Draft Housing Element is a comprehensive update to the Housing Element of the General Plan, undertaken to accommodate the City’s share of the regional housing need and address new State law. The Housing Element is an integrated part of the General Plan, published under separate cover. It is an eight-year plan that is updated more frequently than other General Plan elements to ensure its relevancy and accuracy.

    Amid the ongoing housing shortage in California, Monterey is required by law to plan for 3,654 new housing units over the next 8 years. As a community with few vacant lots, steep topography, airport safety zones, and significant areas of flood, wildfire, and liquefaction risk, accommodating new housing will require a thoughtful approach that integrates new homes to serve local needs while preserving the unique and historic sense of place so important to our community.

    Public Review Period for the Draft Housing Element: August, 2, 2023 - September 4, 2023. Public review comments on the Draft Housing Element can be sent to: City of Monterey, Planning Division, 580 Pacific Street, Monterey, CA 93940 or emailed to Christy Sabdo, Associate Planner:


    The Housing Element consists of the following major components organized as described below:

    Chapter 1 – Introduction (Spanish version): An introduction to the purpose of the document and the legal requirements for a Housing Element, together with an overview of the community and the community involvement process.

    Chapter 2 – Community Profile: Documents population characteristics, housing characteristics, and current development trends to inform the current housing state of Monterey and to identify community needs.

    Chapter 3 – Adequate Sites for Housing: An inventory of adequate sites suitable for construction of new housing sufficient to meet needs at all economic levels.

    Chapter 4 – Housing Action Plan (Spanish version): Articulates housing goals, policies, and programs to address the City’s identified housing needs, including those of special needs groups and the findings of an analysis of fair housing issues in the community. This Housing Element identifies a foundational framework of five overarching goals to comprehensively address the housing needs of Monterey residents and workers.

    Appendix A – Sites Inventory: Summarizes the City’s ability to accommodate the RHNA on available land, and the selection of sites that advance Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) federal law requirements.

    Appendix B – Housing Needs Assessment: Presents community demographic information, including both population and household data, to identify Monterey’s housing needs.

    Appendix C – Constraints Analysis: Includes an analysis of constraints to housing production and maintenance in Monterey. Constraints include potential market, governmental, and environmental limitations to meeting the City’s identified housing needs. In addition, an assessment of impediments to fair housing is included, with a fuller analysis of actions needed to comply with AFFH is included in a separate appendix.

    Appendix D – Fair Housing Assessment (Spanish version): Identifies fair housing issues and solutions to meet Monterey’s AFFH mandate.

    Appendix E – Fifth Cycle Accomplishments: Summarizes the City’s achievements in implementing goals, policies, and actions under the previous Housing Element.

    Appendix F – Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections: Includes additional details to demonstrate the viability of sites included on the inventory of housing sites and the projections for housing development during the 2023-31 period, as well as a letter of intent from the Monterey Peninsula School District.

    Appendix G – Outreach Materials: Includes outreach materials, summaries, and a description of how community and stakeholder input has been reflected in the Housing Element.

    2023 - 2031 Draft Housing Element (complete document)

  • You're invited to a Community Open House, August 7, 2023

    Share You're invited to a Community Open House, August 7, 2023 on Facebook Share You're invited to a Community Open House, August 7, 2023 on Twitter Share You're invited to a Community Open House, August 7, 2023 on Linkedin Email You're invited to a Community Open House, August 7, 2023 link

    You're invited to a Community Open House, Monday, August 7, 2023 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the Monterey Conference Center, 1 Portola Plaza, Monterey. The City of Monterey will host an open house meeting to introduce the Draft 2023-31 Housing Element, scheduled for public release on August 2. Amid the ongoing housing shortage in the Monterey Peninsula, the City is required by State law to plan for at least 3,654 new homes over the next eight years to meet current and projected needs.

    The meeting will be an opportunity to learn about proposed strategies to meet projected housing needs and it will serve as the scoping meeting for an environmental impact report (EIR) to be prepared for the project. Community members are invited to share feedback on the proposed Draft Housing Element as well as potential environmental impacts and strategies to reduce or avoid them.

    Please register to let us know you're coming.
    Or scan the code here: -------------------------------

    Esta es una invitación a una sesión pública comunitaria
    Fecha: Lunes, 7 de agosto 2023
    Tiempo: 6:00 - 8:30pm
    Lugar: Centro de Conferencias de Monterey 1 Portola Plaza en Monterey

    La ciudad de Monterey organizará una reunión pública para presentar el borrador del Elemento Vivienda 2023-31, cuya publicación está prevista para el 2 de agosto. En vista de la actual escasez de viviendas en la península de Monterey, la ciudad está obligada por ley a planificar al menos 3,654 nuevas viviendas en los próximos 8 años para satisfacer las necesidades actuales y previstas.
    Acompáñenos para conocer las estrategias propuestas para satisfacer las necesidades de vivienda previstas. La reunión servirá como reunión exploratoria para un Informe de Impacto Ambiental (EIR) que se preparará para el proyecto. Se invita a los miembros de la comunidad a compartir sus opiniones acerca del borrador del Elemento de Vivienda, así como sobre los posibles impac-tos medioambientales y estrategias para reducirlos o evitarlos.

    En caso de asistir, regístrese por favor.
    O escanee el código aquí:

Page last updated: 01 Nov 2024, 03:06 PM