Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update
The City of Monterey will be the Lead Agency and will prepare a programmatic Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update (Proposed Project). The Proposed Project involves updates to the Housing, Land Use, Safety, and Circulation Elements of the City of Monterey General Plan to address emerging issues and new State laws.
Public agencies and members of the general public are invited to provide comments in writing as to the scope and content of the EIR. Specifically, the City needs to know the views of Responsible and Trustee Agencies as to the potentially significant environmental issues, reasonable alternatives, and mitigation measures that are germane to each agency's statutory responsibilities in connection with the Project. Responsible Agencies will need to use the EIR prepared by the City when considering permits or other approvals for the Project.
NOP Review Period - Due to the time limits mandated by State law, responses must be sent at the earliest possible date, but no later than the close of the NOP review period, which runs as follows: August 2, 2023 through September 4, 2023. Please send written responses to Christy Sabdo, Associate Planner, City of Monterey at the address shown in the attached NOP. Public agencies providing comments are requested to include a contact person for the agency.
EIR Scoping Meeting and Draft Housing Element Open House to be held Monday, August 7, 2023 from 6 - 8:30pm at the Monterey Conference Center, 1 Portola Plaza, Monterey. Registration is encouraged, but not required. Register at
Review the Notice of Preparation
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