Draft Housing Element Comes Before City Council and Planning Commission at Joint Special Meeting, Tuesday, Sep. 19 at 7:00 p.m.
A joint special meeting with City Council and Planning Commission is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on September 19, 2023. Residents can participate either in-person or online via Zoom. City staff will provide a report that includes a summary of public comments, as well as recommended staff changes related to the 2023-2031 Draft Housing Element, part of the Monterey 2031 General Plan update. There are two agenda items pertaining to this topic, as follows:
- AGENDA REPORT: Review a Summary of Public Comments Received During the Required 30-Day Public Comment Period on the 2023-2031 Draft Housing Element (Joint Special Meeting with City Council and Planning Commission)
- AGENDA REPORT: Approve or Direct any Changes to the Public Review Draft of the Housing Element; and Authorize the City Manager to send a Revised Draft Housing Element to HCD to Start the Legally Mandated 90-day HCD Review (City Council)
The agenda reports and attachments are also posted at isearchmonterey.org.
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