Major Milestone Met - Draft Housing Element Submitted to the State

The City has met a major milestone of the Monterey 2031 Project. The Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element, covering the planning period from December 15, 2023 to January 15, 2031, was submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on September 26, 2023. The Draft Housing Element was available for public review between August 2 - September 4, 2023. A community open house was held at the Monterey Conference Center during the public review period to introduce the Draft Housing Element to the community and receive comments. Following the close of the public comment period, a joint meeting was held before the Planning Commission and City Council to review public input and receive direction to submit the Draft Housing Element to the State for review. HCD has 90-days to review the City of Monterey's Draft Housing Element. The City will coordinate with HCD during the 90-day review period and begin responding to their comments.

The contents of the submittal to the State can be found below:

Cover Letter to HCD

Volume I - Draft Housing Element Chapters 1-4

Volume II - Appendices:

Appendix A Sites Inventory

Appendix B Needs Assessment

Appendix C Housing Constraints

Appendix D Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Appendix E Fifth Cycle Accomplishments

Appendix F Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections

Appendix G Outreach Materials

The Monterey 2031 Project also includes updates to the Land Use, Safety, and Circulation Element. On August 23, 2023, the County of Monterey Airport Land Use Commission found the Circulation Element updates consistent with the 2019 Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the Monterey Regional Airport. Staff and consultants continue working on updates to the Land Use and Safety Elements. The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and supporting studies are currently being prepared. Public review of the DEIR is anticipated to occur this fall.

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