Revised Draft 2023-2031Housing Element Submitted to HCD for Review

On April 30, 2024, the City submitted the revised Draft 2023-31 Housing Element, updated to respond to HCD's comment letter of December 22, 2023.The revised Draft Element was made available for public comment between April 18 and April 30, 2024 during which time 56 comments on the content of the revised draft were received. A letter from the Monterey-Salinas-Transit recommended incorporating a revision to a policy in support of infill in locations with pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure; a letter from the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP) expressed support of the Element overall and recommended some revisions to programs to further support development feasibility; a letter from LandWatch reiterated opposition to development at Ford Ord; and fifty-three letters primarily from residents of the unincorporated area south of the City of Monterey expressed concerns for the cumulative impacts of housing development in the Highway 68 Area in combination with housing development pursuant to the County of Monterey Housing Element in the same vicinity.

Given that the revised content of the Draft Element has been reviewed informally with HCD over the past several months, the City's submittal to HCD requests an expedited review of the Draft Element in anticipation of the scheduled hearing before the City Council on June 18, 2024.

Cover Letter to HCD dated April 30, 2024

Volume 1 - Draft Housing Element

Appendix A - Sites Inventory
Appendix A - Monterey Sites Inventory HCD Form
Appendix B - Needs Assessment
Appendix C - Housing Constraints
Appendix D - AFFH Analysis
Appendix E - Fifth Cycle Accomplishments
Appendix F - Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections
Appendix G - Outreach Materials
Letters received during online posting, April 17 - April 30, 2024

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