Monterey 2031 - General Plan Update
Help Build A Housing Plan for Monterey!
Monterey 2031 is an important citywide project that involves updates to the Housing, Land Use, and Safety Elements of the City of Monterey General Plan to respond to emerging issues and new State laws. The update will be a collaborative effort between the City and its residents to create a blueprint that will guide Monterey in the years to come. All cities and counties in California are required by law to have a general plan. Like other communities in the Monterey Bay Area, the City is required to update the Housing Element of the General Plan by December 15, 2023 to address demographic trends, market conditions, and new State laws. Amid the ongoing housing shortage in California, Monterey is required to plan for 3,654 new houses over the next 8 years to accommodate this projected need. The Land Use Element will need to be updated to ensure consistency with the 2019 Monterey Regional Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. At the same time, State law triggers requirements to incorporate new data on natural hazards and climate change into the Safety Element along with actions to strengthen community resilience and emergency evacuation capacity.
Critical issues to be addressed in the General Plan Update include:
- Housing supply and affordability
- Land use mix and community character
- Climate change and community resilience
- Fire hazard planning update
- Airport-related hazards, compatibility zones, and airport noise contours
- Emergency preparedness and response
- Impact of new growth on military readiness activities
Community participation is integral to the process and a broad-based, inclusive community engagement program will help provide opportunities for everyone in Monterey to have their say. Read more below to learn about the project, the timeline, and ways to get involved. Sign up on the top right of this page to stay informed via email.
Watch a short video to learn more about the key phases of Housing Elements: Housing Element Explainer 2022
Help Build A Housing Plan for Monterey!
Monterey 2031 is an important citywide project that involves updates to the Housing, Land Use, and Safety Elements of the City of Monterey General Plan to respond to emerging issues and new State laws. The update will be a collaborative effort between the City and its residents to create a blueprint that will guide Monterey in the years to come. All cities and counties in California are required by law to have a general plan. Like other communities in the Monterey Bay Area, the City is required to update the Housing Element of the General Plan by December 15, 2023 to address demographic trends, market conditions, and new State laws. Amid the ongoing housing shortage in California, Monterey is required to plan for 3,654 new houses over the next 8 years to accommodate this projected need. The Land Use Element will need to be updated to ensure consistency with the 2019 Monterey Regional Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. At the same time, State law triggers requirements to incorporate new data on natural hazards and climate change into the Safety Element along with actions to strengthen community resilience and emergency evacuation capacity.
Critical issues to be addressed in the General Plan Update include:
- Housing supply and affordability
- Land use mix and community character
- Climate change and community resilience
- Fire hazard planning update
- Airport-related hazards, compatibility zones, and airport noise contours
- Emergency preparedness and response
- Impact of new growth on military readiness activities
Community participation is integral to the process and a broad-based, inclusive community engagement program will help provide opportunities for everyone in Monterey to have their say. Read more below to learn about the project, the timeline, and ways to get involved. Sign up on the top right of this page to stay informed via email.
Watch a short video to learn more about the key phases of Housing Elements: Housing Element Explainer 2022
Follow Project
Roadmap Timeline
Step 1 Issue & Opportunity Identification
Monterey 2031 - General Plan Update has finished this stageSeptember 2022 – January 2023
- August 31, 2022: Kick-off meeting held with consultant, Dyett and Bhatia - Urban and Regional Planners, City staff, and military liaisons.
- September 26, 2022: Monterey County Airport Land Use Commission introduction to Monterey 2031
- October 2022: Monterey 2031 - Community Engagement Strategy prepared
- November 2022: Outreach for Monterey 2031 - Listening Sessions
- December 6, 7, and 8,2022: Listening Sessions held at the Monterey Conference Center
- December 13, 2022: Planning Commission Introduction to Monterey 2031
- December 13, 2022: City Council Listening Sessions
- September 18, 2022: SB18 notifications sent to Native American Heritage Commission tribal consultation list
- January 17, 2023: Met with Monterey High School Leadership Class to introduce Monterey 2031 and City planning
- January 27, 2023: City Council Listening Session (new member)
- January 27, 2023: Planning Commission Listening Sessions
- January 27, 2023: First meeting with Monterey High School Youth Leaders to design the Youth-Led Survey
Step 2 Alternatives Exploration
Monterey 2031 - General Plan Update has finished this stageFebruary 2023 – May 2023
- April 25, 2023 - Pop-Up Outreach for Housing Plan Survey at the Farmers Market at Old Monterey Marketplace
- April 18, 2023 - Pop-Up Outreach for Housing Plan Survey at the Farmers Market at Old Monterey Marketplace
- April 13, 2023 - Pop-Up Outreach at Monterey Public Library
- April 12, 2023 - 2nd Monterey 2031 Community Survey Postcard Mailed to all residents in Monterey noting survey deadline extended to April 30, 2023
- April 11, 2023 - Monterey 2031 - Community Survey Pop-up Outreach at the Farmers Market at Old Monterey Marketplace
- April 11, 2023 - Youth-Led Survey, survey outreach coordination with Monterey High School Leadership Students.
- March 24, 2023 - Pop-Up Outreach for Housing Plan Survey at Del Monte Farmers Market and Captain + Stoker, Monterey
- March 17, 2023 - Pop-Up Outreach for Housing Plan Survey at the Del Monte Farmers Market and Monterey City Library.
- March 17, 2023 - Youth-Led Survey is Launched. This is a youth to youth survey led by Monterey High School's Leadership students.
- March 16, 2023 - Monterey 2031 Presentation to the New Monterey Neighborhood Association
- March 14, 2023 - Youth-Led Survey - 3rd Meeting with Monterey High School Youth Leaders to finalize survey outreach strategy.
- March 2, 2023 - Monterey 2031 - Community Survey Launched
- February 21, 2023 - 2nd Meeting with Monterey High School Youth Leaders to design the Youth-Led Survey and coordinate a survey outreach strategy for maximum youth participation.
- February 21, 2023 - Monterey 2031 Progress Report - Joint Planning Commission and City Council Meeting Monterey 2031 Study Session
Step 3 Draft Element Preparation and Draft EIR Preparation
Monterey 2031 - General Plan Update is currently at this stageJune 2023 – September 2023
- June 13, 2023: Planning Commission Meeting - Final Community Survey Report and Preliminary Inventory and Key Strategies Report
- June 20, 2023: Planning Commission/City Council Joint Meeting - Final Community Survey Report and Preliminary Inventory and Key Strategies Report.
- June 20, 2023: City Council approved Preliminary Housing Inventory Sites for Draft Housing Element and Draft EIR.
- June 26, 2023: Planning staff hosts California Department of Housing and Community Development (CA HCD) for a tour of potential housing sites for the Housing Element Site Inventory
- August 7, 2023: Community Open House for Draft Housing Element and Scoping Meeting for Draft Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Update (Housing, Land Use, Circulation, and Safety Elements). Location: Monterey Conference Center 6 - 8:30pm
- August 23, 2023: County of Monterey Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) - ALUC found the Circulation Element consistent with the 2019 Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the Monterey Regional Airport
- September 19, 2023: Joint PC/CC Meeting to discuss the Draft Housing Element (note this meeting was originally scheduled for September 5, 2023).
- September 26, 2023: Draft Housing Element was submitted to HCD for their 90-day review.
Step 4 Adoption & Finalization
this is an upcoming stage for Monterey 2031 - General Plan UpdateOctober 2023 – August 2024
- December 8, 2023 - City Submits Responses to HCD's Initial Comments on the Draft Housing Element
- December 11, 2023 - ALUC finds the Draft Housing Element consistent with the 2019 Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the Monterey Regional Airport.
- January 26, 2024 - ALUC finds the Draft Land Use and Safety Elements consistent with the 2019 Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the Monterey Regional Airport.
- February 9, 2024 - Release of General Plan Update Draft EIR. Draft EIR public comment period: February 9 - March 25, 2024.
- April 9, 2024 - Cal Fire Board of Forestry and Fire Protection Hearing - Approval of Safety Element
- April 18, 2024 - Posted the 2023-2031 Draft Housing Element to project website in anticipation of HCD submittal
- April 30, 2024 - 2023-2031 - Submitted the 2023-2031 Draft Housing Element to HCD
- June 18 - June 26, 2024 - Seven day public comment period on the Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element for Public Review
- June 26, 2024 - HCD Review Letter Received
- July 16, 2024 - Planning Commission and City Council Public Hearing - Joint Meeting - on the Monterey 2031 General Plan Update and EIR.]
- July 16, 2024 - The City Council certified the EIR and approved General Plan Update with minor revisions to Housing Element and Downtown Opportunity Area map
- August 5, 2024 - Formal Submittal of Adopted Housing Element to HCD
- October 4, 2024 - HCD certifies the City of Monterey 2023-2031 Housing Element
- Receive a report on the Community Survey Results, Preliminary Housing Opportunity Sites, and Strategies to Item 11. Facilitate Production of the City’s Regional Share of Housing for the Draft Monterey 2031 General Plan Update and City Council only, Item 12. Select Preliminary Housing Opportunity Sites and Strategies to Facilitate Production of the City’s Regional Share of Housing for the Draft Monterey 2031 General Plan Update
- Progress Report on the Monterey 2031- General Plan Update (6th Cycle Housing Element, Land Use Element, and Safety Element)
- 2023_1208_City Initial Comment Responses to HCD
- Monterey 2031 General Plan Update DEIR
- Draft Monterey 2031 General Plan - Updated Elements
- 2024_0308_Marina Coast Water District_confirming water supply.pdf (654 KB) (pdf)
3rd Version Draft Housing Element (April 26, 2024 HCD Submittal)
- 2023_1222_HCD Final HE Review.pdf (315 KB) (pdf)
- Revised Draft Housing Element Volume 1.pdf (11.8 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix A - Sites Inventory.pdf (272 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix B - Needs Assessment.pdf (6.63 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix C - Housing Constraints.pdf (1.2 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix D - AFFH Analysis.pdf (14.7 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix E - Fifth Cycle Accomplishments.pdf (322 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix F - Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections.pdf (9.54 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix G - Outreach Materials.pdf (37.5 MB) (pdf)
- Revised Draft Housing Element Volume 1.pdf (11.8 MB) (pdf)
2023-2031 Draft Housing Element Submittal to HCD (April 30, 2024)
- 2024_0430_Cover letter to HCD.pdf (56.1 KB) (pdf)
- Volume 1 Revised Draft Housing Element_reduced.pdf (11.8 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix A Sites Inventory.pdf (272 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix A_Monterey Sites Inventory HCD Form_v2.xlsx (182 KB) (xlsx)
- Appendix B Needs Assessment.pdf (6.63 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix C - Housing Constraints.pdf (1.2 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix D - AFFH Analysis.pdf (15 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix E Fifth Cycle Accomplishments.pdf (322 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix F Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections.pdf (9.54 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix G Outreach Materials.pdf (37.5 MB) (pdf)
Letters received during online posting, April 17 - April 30, 2024
- 1_2024_0419_Andrew Hawryluk_Redacted.pdf (101 KB) (pdf)
- 2_2024_0419_Dale and Caroline DePalatis_Redacted.pdf (78.2 KB) (pdf)
- 3_2024_0419_Gary Weitz_Redacted.pdf (115 KB) (pdf)
- 4_2024_0419_Guy Agrati_Redacted.pdf (85 KB) (pdf)
- 5_2024_0419_Kristin Russo_Redacted.pdf (103 KB) (pdf)
- 6_2024_0419_Linda Healy_Redacted.pdf (160 KB) (pdf)
- 7_2024_0419_Melanie Corliss_Redacted.pdf (85.8 KB) (pdf)
- 8_2024_0419_Michael Hoppe_Redacted.pdf (85.6 KB) (pdf)
- 9_2024_0419_Stephanie Stevenson_Redacted.pdf (85.2 KB) (pdf)
- 10_2024_0419_Susan Weitz_Redacted.pdf (80 KB) (pdf)
- 11_2024_0420_Alma S CP_Redacted.pdf (391 KB) (pdf)
- 12_2024_0420_Andrea B Pace_Redacted.pdf (108 KB) (pdf)
- 13_2024_0420_Christopher Bonavico_Redacted.pdf (103 KB) (pdf)
- 14_2024_0420_Dana McManus_Redacted.pdf (87.8 KB) (pdf)
- 15_2024_0420_Gail Robbins_Redacted.pdf (104 KB) (pdf)
- 16_2024_0420_Gary Gasperson_Redacted.pdf (62.2 KB) (pdf)
- 17_2024_0420_Geoff and Linda Smith_Redacted.pdf (146 KB) (pdf)
- 18_2024_0420_Grant Hunt_Redacted.pdf (141 KB) (pdf)
- 19_2024_0420_Ian Witing_Redacted.pdf (111 KB) (pdf)
- 20_2024_0420_Jackie Hamilton_Redacted.pdf (108 KB) (pdf)
- 21_2024_0420_Lurline Menzies_Redacted.pdf (105 KB) (pdf)
- 22_2024_0420_mcsaldana_Redacted.pdf (104 KB) (pdf)
- 23_2024_0420_Michael Healey_Redacted.pdf (136 KB) (pdf)
- 24_2024_0420_Randy Hamilton_Redacted.pdf (105 KB) (pdf)
- 25_2024_0420_Sara Hoppe_Redacted.pdf (74.6 KB) (pdf)
- 26_2024_0420_Susan Hunt_Redacted.pdf (124 KB) (pdf)
- 27_2024_0421_Allen Sorbo_Redacted.pdf (105 KB) (pdf)
- 28_2024_0421_Andrew Hawryluk_Redacted.pdf (104 KB) (pdf)
- 29_2024_0421_Dana Heinrich_Redacted.pdf (105 KB) (pdf)
- 30_2024_0421_Fred B_Redacted.pdf (245 KB) (pdf)
- 31_2024_0421_Patrice Hawryluk_Redacted.pdf (105 KB) (pdf)
- 32_2024_0421_Rodney Heinrich_Redacted.pdf (94.5 KB) (pdf)
- 33_2024_0421_Susan Breidenbach_Redacted.pdf (91.2 KB) (pdf)
- 34_2024_0421_William Yakobovich_Redacted.pdf (60.1 KB) (pdf)
- 35_2024_0422_Elece Leverone_Redacted.pdf (106 KB) (pdf)
- 36_2024_0422_James Washington_Redacted.pdf (108 KB) (pdf)
- 37_2024_0422_Ken Lindsay_Redacted.pdf (146 KB) (pdf)
- 38_2024_0422_Lisa Villafranca_Redacted.pdf (106 KB) (pdf)
- 39_2024_0422_Markus Woehler_Redacted.pdf (110 KB) (pdf)
- 40_2024_0422_Sofia Boudko_Redacted.pdf (128 KB) (pdf)
- 41_2024_0423_Craig Lilly_Redacted.pdf (104 KB) (pdf)
- 42_2024_0423_Michael Hogan_Redacted.pdf (103 KB) (pdf)
- 43_2024_0423_Robert Thull_Redacted.pdf (81.7 KB) (pdf)
- 44_2024_0423_Steven Thayer_Redacted.pdf (1.43 MB) (pdf)
- 45_2024_0423_Victoria Yakobovich_Redacted.pdf (60.1 KB) (pdf)
- 46_2024_0424_Karen Brown_Redacted.pdf (106 KB) (pdf)
- 47_2024_0424_Margaret Demers_Redacted.pdf (122 KB) (pdf)
- 48_2024_0424_Oona McLoghlin_Redacted.pdf (106 KB) (pdf)
- 49_2024_0424_Robert Behl_Redacted.pdf (115 KB) (pdf)
- 50_2024_0425_Helen Whiting_Redacted.pdf (111 KB) (pdf)
- 51_2024_0425_Michael H_Redacted.pdf (105 KB) (pdf)
- 52_2024_0425_Sandra Wheatley_Redacted.pdf (88.5 KB) (pdf)
- 53_2024_0426 Emma Patel_Monterey-Salinas-Transit.pdf (206 KB) (pdf)
- 54_2024_0426_Madeline Sheppard_Redacted.pdf (314 KB) (pdf)
- 55_2024_0426_MBEP.pdf (686 KB) (pdf)
- 56_2024_0429_LandWatch.pdf (388 KB) (pdf)
Fourth Version of 2023-2031 Revised Draft Housing Element (7-day Posting for June 26, 2024 HCD Submittal)
- 00 Housing Element Volume 1.pdf (52.1 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix A Sites Inventory.pdf (393 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix A_Monterey Sites Inventory HCD Form_v2.xlsx (184 KB) (xlsx)
- Appendix B Needs Assessment (June 2024).pdf (6.63 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix C - Housing Constraints (June 2024).pdf (5.61 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix D - AFFH Analysis (June 2024).pdf (50.6 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix E Fifth Cycle Accomplishments (June 2024).pdf (341 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix F Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections.pdf (11.5 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix G Outreach Materials.pdf (37.5 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix H - Site Test Fits.pdf (19.3 MB) (pdf)
- Letters and City Responses to Public Comments During 7-Day Posting (Beginning June 18, 2024)
- HCD Review letter, June 26, 2024.pdf (186 KB) (pdf)
2023-2031 Draft Housing Element Submittal to HCD (June 27, 2024)
- Housing Element Volume 1.pdf (52.1 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix A Sites Inventory.pdf (393 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix B Needs Assessment (June 2024).pdf (6.63 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix C - Housing Constraints (June 2024).pdf (5.61 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix D - AFFH Analysis (June 2024).pdf (50.6 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix E Fifth Cycle Accomplishments (June 2024).pdf (341 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix F Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections.pdf (11.5 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix G Outreach Materials.pdf (37.5 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix H Site Test Fits.pdf (19.3 MB) (pdf)
- Final EIR
- Adopted Monterey 2031 General Plan (July 16, 2024)
- Adopted Housing Element (partial with track changes)
Submittal to HCD, August 5, 2024
- 2024_0805_Cover Letter to HCD_signed.pdf (68.2 KB) (pdf)
- Volume 1 - Adopted Housing Element.pdf (64.3 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix A - Sites Inventory.pdf (256 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix B - Needs Assessment.pdf (6.51 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix C - Housing Constraints - clean.pdf (5.4 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix D - AFFH Analysis.pdf (48.5 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix E - Fifth Cycle Accomplishments.pdf (297 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix F - Additional Analysis and Information in Support of Housing Projections.pdf (11.5 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix G - Outreach Materials.pdf (37.5 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix H - Site Test Fits.pdf (1.23 MB) (pdf)
- Public Comments 1-67.pdf (24.4 MB) (pdf)
- Certified 2023-2031 Housing Element (Oct 4, 2024)
Open Comments
- Land Watch Housing Element Principles V11 (January 12, 2023).pdf (238 KB) (pdf)
- Esther Malkin (February 22, 2023).pdf (63.2 KB) (pdf)
- Esther Malkin (February 23, 2023).pdf (52.2 KB) (pdf)
- Kalisha Webster_Housing Choices (February 27, 2023).pdf (525 KB) (pdf)
- Vince Alfait (February 24, 2023).pdf (189 KB) (pdf)
- Richard Ruccello (March 19, 2023).pdf (316 KB) (pdf)
- Curt Tipton (March 28, 2023).pdf (1.12 MB) (pdf)
- Michael DeLapa_Land Watch (March 28, 2023).pdf (150 KB) (pdf)
- Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce (April 7, 2023).pdf (168 KB) (pdf)
- Michael DeLapa_Land Watch (May 1, 2023).pdf (95.5 KB) (pdf)
- Michael DeLapa_LandWatch (June 20, 2023).pdf (4.68 MB) (pdf)
- Tom Reeves (June 26, 2023).pdf (1.71 MB) (pdf)
- Carpenters Local 605_Tony Uzzle_October 27, 2023.pdf (273 KB) (pdf)
Who's Listening
Community Development Director
Email -
Principal Planner