Rental Inventory
The City of Monterey's Rental Inventory program has officially launched. Property owners can now register their properties through the Rental Inventory Portal. For details and additional information, including a link to the Rental Inventory Portal, please visit
The first Monterey City Council meeting of the year is this coming Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Among other items, on the agenda in the evening session are two housing-related reports. Item 10: Receive Rental Inventory Program Annual Report and Consider Recommended Program Changes and Initial Tenant Protections, and Item 11: Receive Rental Assistance Program Update and Recommended Program Changes. We encourage the community to attend the meeting and participate in these topics with the staff and City Council. The full agenda is posted at
The City of Monterey's Rental Inventory program has officially launched. Property owners can now register their properties through the Rental Inventory Portal. For details and additional information, including a link to the Rental Inventory Portal, please visit
The City’s Housing Programs Office currently provides a variety of ongoing housing programs with an annual Community Development Block Grant budget of approximately $1.1 million to $1.5 million. These funds are restricted to specific programs and income levels based on Federal regulations.
Every five years, the City Council adopts a Consolidated Plan evaluating and establishing the community’s housing priorities for low-income households. Annually, the City Council adopts an Action Plan to implement the Consolidated Plan and comply with federal regulations.
Over the years, the City of Monterey City Council has received updates about rent stabilization measures and discussed whether to create a new program.
On April 18, 2023, the City Council gave direction to the Housing Office to begin the process of drafting the legal framework for a rental inventory database. This process supports efforts and policies that provide equitable access to affordable housing in Monterey and the region. (See Quality of Life Value Driver: In collaboration with our community partners, work to improve the quality of life of all of our community members by fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion; championing equitable access to affordable housing; and maintaining a safe environment.)
This Rental Inventory page will provide ongoing updates on the City's rental database project. We encourage you to participate.
As the April 18, 2023 Agenda Report states: A vacancy tax and rental registry would be substantial for new housing programs. The rental inventory would provide additional new information about the location, number, type and rent of existing rental units. Many jurisdictions establish a rental database to develop rent control regulations.
Currently, staff estimates that a rental inventory program will require around $400,000 annually in on-going costs. The management, administration, and maintenance of a rental inventory program will require two additional full time staff members at a total estimated annual operating cost of $275,000, plus $25,000 for management/supervisory staff time. Staff also estimates approximately $100,000 in additional initial staff time to develop the program and physically confirm data before launching.
The cost for a specialized rental inventory software will be around $25,000 in start-up costs in year one plus an estimated $30,000 annual subscription fee, for a total year one cost of $55,000. The $30,000 subscription fee would continue annually thereafter. Since this is a new program, the City needs to create fees to recover the costs for the program.
The City of Monterey's Rental Inventory program has officially launched. Property owners can now register their properties through the Rental Inventory Portal. For details and additional information, including a link to the Rental Inventory Portal, please visit