City Council Adopts Resolution to Update Master Fee Schedule
On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, City Council adopted a resolution amending the City's Master Fee Schedule to include updated fees associated with commercial cannabis business permits and the Rental Inventory Program. Based on City Council's decision to fully recover the cost of the program, the registration fee for the rental inventory program has been set at $50 per unit. This fee was calculated by combining the costs of the fully burdened rates for the HCD Coordinator and Administrative Assistant positions along with software and IT costs then dividing that total by the number of estimated non-exempt units. These changes to the Master Fee Schedule will be effective beginning January 4, 2024.
The City's updated 2023-2024 Master Fee Schedule can be found here: FY2324 Master Fee Schedule
The City of Monterey's Rental Inventory program has officially launched. Property owners can now register their properties through the Rental Inventory Portal. For details and additional information, including a link to the Rental Inventory Portal, please visit