City Councilmember Vacancy

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Council vacancy has been filled.



Council vacancy has been filled.

  • Gene "Gino" Garcia Appointed to City Council

    Share Gene "Gino" Garcia Appointed to City Council on Facebook Share Gene "Gino" Garcia Appointed to City Council on Twitter Share Gene "Gino" Garcia Appointed to City Council on Linkedin Email Gene "Gino" Garcia Appointed to City Council link
    14 Dec 2022
    supporting image

    At the special City Council meeting on December 12, 2022, the Council conducted interviews of all qualified applicants, deliberated, and selected and appointed Gene "Gino" Garcia to the vacant at-large Council seat. Mr. Garcia was sworn in and installed on the Council. View the December 12, 2022 Special Council Meeting:(External link)

  • City Council Special Meeting, December 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

    Share City Council Special Meeting, December 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. on Facebook Share City Council Special Meeting, December 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. on Twitter Share City Council Special Meeting, December 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. on Linkedin Email City Council Special Meeting, December 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. link
    10 Dec 2022

    Posted, December 9, 2022 - Special Meeting Agenda, Council Special Meeting, Monday, December 12, 2022, 6:00 PM(External link)

    Interview Qualified Council Vacancy Applicants, Discuss and Deliberate, Appoint to fill the Short-Term At-Large Council Vacant Seat, and Install the Appointed Councilmember (Not a Project under CEQA per Article 20, Section 15378 and Under General Rule Article 5, Section 15061) / Entrevistar a candidatos calificados para la vacante del ayuntamiento, discutir y deliberar, nombrar para cubrir la vacante a corto plazo en el ayuntamiento, e incluir al concejal nombrado (no es un proyecto bajo la Ley de Calidad Ambiental de California.

    Applicant interviews for the current Council seat vacancy will take place at a special Council meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022 at 6 p.m. The Mayor and City Council will deliberate on the matter, and may choose to appoint an applicant and install the appointee to fill the vacant seat. If needed, the Council may decide to call a second special Council meeting that would be held Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

    Members of the public may submit written comments to These messages will not be read aloud during the meeting but are made available to the Council and public at link). All comments received become part of the record.

  • Council Vacancy Applications

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    29 Nov 2022

    Posted, November 29, 2022 - Council Vacancy List of Applicants and Applications Published, with a summary memo by the City Clerk

    The current at-large, short-term City Council vacancy must be filled by appointment pursuant to the Monterey Charter. The appointee must reside within, and be registered to vote in, the City of Monterey at large regardless of district.1 The term for this seat is set to expire in December 2024.

    The application period for the vacancy ran from November 9, 2022 to Monday, November 28, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. (noon). During the open application period:

    • 20 City of Monterey residents were issued application packets;
    • 12 applications were received by the deadline with 20 or more voter signatures;
    • 11 submitted applications qualified following voter signature verification by the Monterey County Elections Office.

    The 11 qualified applications are provided here. They will be presented to the City Council in the evening session of the public Council meeting on December 6, 2022 for consideration, further direction, and possible interviews. Applicants have been notified that they need to attend the meeting and may be interviewed; the public is welcome to attend and to provide comment.

    1. Blank application packet
    2. Qualified application form – Nicholas Cina (District 3 Resident)
    3. Qualified application form – Kevin Dayton (District 1 Resident)
    4. Qualified application form – Beth Fabinsky (District 1 Resident)
    5. Qualified application form – Jack E. Fields (District 4 Resident)
    6. Qualified application form – Gene Garcia (District 4 Resident)
    7. Qualified application form – Connie Haugh (District 1 Resident)
    8. Qualified application form – Jennifer Haydu (District 1 Resident)
    9. Qualified application form – Anne Michaels Seavey (District 2 Resident)
    10. Qualified application form – Laura O. Nagel (District 4 Resident)
    11. Qualified application form – Daniel Presser (District 3 Resident)
    12. Qualified application form – Jean Rasch (District 3 Resident)

    1 District Based Elections: link)
    2 The agenda and agenda materials will be posted on I-Search Monterey ( link)) no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting. To subscribe to receive emailed notice of all City Council agendas when they are published, visit: link). Written comment may be provided by emailing

  • Requirements and Checklist to Apply

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    09 Dec 2022

    Posted Nov. 4, 2022


    Application Period:

    Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. to Monday, November 28, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. (Noon). Late applications will not be accepted. It is recommended to submit an application at the earliest opportunity. Contact the City Clerk’s Office with any questions or to make an appointment to receive or file an application and nomination paper. Reach us by phone at 831-646-3935, or by email at link).

    For download:

    Council vacancy application (PDF)

    Sample of the nomination paper (PDF)

    Important (information on the nomination process):

    The City Clerk’s office issues the nomination paper for voter signatures directly to applicants, which is why only a sample is provided above. The official nomination paper will be issued with an applicant’s name and signed by a member of the City Clerk’s Office so that residents considering signing can verify its legitimacy.

    Contact the City Clerk’s Office by phone at 831-646-3935 or by email at link) to schedule a meeting to be issued a nomination paper. This meeting is brief but important, as we will share everything you need to know to responsibly and successfully collect the required voter signatures. Please be prepared to provide your legal name, your residential address, and your date of birth, all of which are used only to verify eligibility for office (your Monterey residence and current voter registration).

    This nomination process was selected by the City Council, and is the same that is used for prospective elective candidates during the nomination period at each election.


    In order to be considered and eligible for appointment to the vacant seat on the Monterey City Council, an applicant must:

    1. Be a resident of, and living in, the City of Monterey at the time of application;
    2. Be a registered voter at the time of application;
    3. Submit the complete application, which includes nomination forms, in person to the City Clerk’s Office located at 580 Pacific Street, Monterey, by Monday, November 28, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. (Noon). Due to the confidential and protected nature of voter signatures, the application must be submitted in person. Emailed or mailed applications will not be accepted. The City Clerk’s Office is open to the public by appointment only; our contact information is below. City offices are closed on Thanksgiving Day (November 24) and the following day (November 25). Each application must be received before the deadline and must include:
      1. The application form, with no field left blank, AND
      2. A completed nomination form containing the original ink signatures of at least 20 individuals who reside in and are registered to vote in the City of Monterey. Nomination forms are provided by the City Clerk’s Office, and only the officially issued nomination form will be accepted. Voter signatures will be verified by the Monterey County Elections Department.


    Qualifying applications will be presented for consideration to the City Council at a public City Council meeting in early December following certification of the November 8, 2022 election. The Council has until December 19, 2022 to appoint someone to the vacant seat. Following that date the Mayor appoints per the Monterey Charter. To receive emails when City Council agendas are published, visit link).

    Contact the City Clerk’s Office:

    Contact the City Clerk’s Office with any questions or to make an appointment to receive or file an application and nomination paper. Reach us by phone at 831-646-3935, or by email at link).

    * A Council term ends when successor is elected and qualified; appointees may be removed by Council (Charter sec. 4.5(b)(1))



    Período de solicitud:

    Miércoles 9 de noviembre de 2022 a las 8:00 a.m. al lunes 28 de noviembre de 2022 a las 12:00 p.m. (Mediodía). No se aceptarán solicitudes tardías. Se recomienda presentar una solicitud lo antes posible. Comuníquese con la Oficina del Secretario Municipal si tiene alguna pregunta o para programar una cita para recibir o presentar una solicitud y un documento de nominación. Comuníquese con nosotros por teléfono al 831-646-3935, o por correo electrónico a link).

    Para descargar:

    Solicitud de vacante en el consejo (PDF)

    Muestra del documento de nominación (PDF)

    Importante (información sobre el proceso de nominación):

    La secretaría municipal emite directamente a los solicitantes el documento de nominación para las firmas de los votantes, por lo que anteriormente solo se proporciona una muestra. El documento oficial de nominación se emitirá con el nombre del solicitante y será firmado por un miembro de la secretaría municipal para que los residentes que consideren firmar puedan verificar su legitimidad.

    Contacte a la secretaría municipal por teléfono al 831-646-3935 o por correo electrónico a link) para programar una reunión en la que se emitirá un documento de nominación. Esta reunión es breve pero importante, ya que compartiremos todo lo que necesita saber para recolectar responsablemente y con éxito las firmas requeridas de los votantes. Prepárese para proporcionar su nombre legal, su dirección residencial y su fecha de nacimiento, todo lo cual se utiliza solo para verificar la elegibilidad para el cargo (su residencia en Monterey y el registro actual del votante).

    Este proceso de nominación fue seleccionado por el ayuntamiento, y es el mismo que se utiliza para los posibles candidatos electivos durante el periodo de nominación en cada elección.


    Para ser considerado y elegible para el nombramiento para el puesto vacante en el Consejo Municipal de Monterey, el solicitante debe:

    1. Ser residente y vivir en la Ciudad de Monterey al momento de la solicitud;
    2. Ser un votante registrado al momento de la solicitud;
    3. Presentar la solicitud completa, que incluye los formularios de nominación, en persona a la Oficina del Secretario Municipal ubicada en 580 Pacific Street, Monterey, antes del lunes 28 de noviembre de 2022 a las 12:00 p.m. (Mediodía). Debido a la naturaleza confidencial y protegida de las firmas de los votantes, la solicitud debe presentarse en persona. No se aceptarán solicitudes enviadas por correo electrónico o por correo. La Oficina del Secretario Municipal está abierta al público solo con cita previa. Nuestra información de contacto está a continuación. Las oficinas de la ciudad están cerradas el Día de Acción de Gracias (24 de noviembre) y el día siguiente (25 de noviembre). Todas las solicitudes deben recibirse antes de la fecha límite y deben incluir:
      1. El formulario de solicitud, sin ningún campo en blanco, Y
      2. Un formulario de nominación completo que contenga las firmas originales en tinta de al menos 20 personas que residan y estén registradas para votar en la Ciudad de Monterey. Los formularios de nominación son proporcionados por la Oficina del Secretario Municipal, y solo se aceptarán los formularios de nominación emitidos oficialmente. Las firmas de los votantes serán verificadas por el Departamento de Elecciones del Condado de Monterey.


    Las solicitudes que califiquen se presentarán para su consideración al Consejo Municipal en una reunión pública del Consejo Municipal a principios de diciembre luego de la certificación de las elecciones del 8 de noviembre de 2022. El Consejo tiene hasta el 19 de diciembre de 2022 para nombrar a alguien para el puesto vacante. Después de esa fecha, el alcalde hará el nombramiento según la Carta Constitutiva de Monterey. Para recibir correos electrónicos cuando se publiquen las agendas del Consejo Municipal, visite link).

    Comuníquese con la Oficina del Secretario Municipal:

    Comuníquese con la Oficina del Secretario Municipal si tiene alguna pregunta o para programar una cita para recibir o presentar una solicitud y un documento de nominación. Comuníquese con nosotros por teléfono al 831-646-3935, o por correo electrónico a link).

    * Un mandato del Consejo finaliza cuando se elige y califica al sucesor; los designados pueden ser destituidos por el Consejo (Carta Constitutiva sec. 4.5(b)(1))

    Application Period runs Wednesday, November 9, 2022 to Monday, November 28, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.

    Application Process Steps - to be posted by November 9, 2022

    News Release(External link) posted November 3, 2022

    Application Period Runs November 9 to November 28, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.

    Monterey, CA. – On Wednesday, November 9, 2022, an at-large Monterey City Council seat becomes vacant. Any Monterey resident who is a registered voter is eligible to apply for the open seat. The at-large position means qualified applicants living anywhere within the City of Monterey can apply. Instructions and the application process will be available beginning November 9, 2022, at

    Interested applicants are required to complete an application form, and mirroring California’s process for elective candidates, secure at least 20 nomination signatures from Monterey voters. All qualifying applications will be submitted for consideration and action by the newly seated Council in December when the election is certified. As specified in the Monterey Charter, the Council must appoint to fill the vacancy and has 40 days to do so; if the Council does not appoint to fill the vacancy by December 19, 2022, the Charter requires that the Mayor make the appointment. The term for this Council seat is set to expire in December 2024.


  • Council Seeks Qualified Applicants. Application Period Begins November 9.

    Share Council Seeks Qualified Applicants. Application Period Begins November 9. on Facebook Share Council Seeks Qualified Applicants. Application Period Begins November 9. on Twitter Share Council Seeks Qualified Applicants. Application Period Begins November 9. on Linkedin Email Council Seeks Qualified Applicants. Application Period Begins November 9. link
    03 Nov 2022

    On Wednesday, November 9, 2022, an at-large Monterey City Council seat becomes vacant. Any Monterey resident who is a registered voter is eligible to apply for the open seat. The at-large position means qualified applicants living anywhere within the City of Monterey can apply.

    Interested applicants are required to complete an application form, and mirroring California’s process for elective candidates, secure at least 20 nomination signatures from Monterey voters. All qualifying applications will be submitted for consideration and action by the newly seated Council in December when the election is certified. As specified in the Monterey Charter, the Council must appoint to fill the vacancy and has 40 days to do so; if the Council does not appoint to fill the vacancy by December 19, 2022, the Charter requires that the Mayor make the appointment. The term for this Council seat is set to expire in December 2024.

    The agenda report from the November 1, 2022 meeting is available in English(External link) and Spanish(External link).