Council Seeks Qualified Applicants. Application Period Begins November 9.
On Wednesday, November 9, 2022, an at-large Monterey City Council seat becomes vacant. Any Monterey resident who is a registered voter is eligible to apply for the open seat. The at-large position means qualified applicants living anywhere within the City of Monterey can apply.
Interested applicants are required to complete an application form, and mirroring California’s process for elective candidates, secure at least 20 nomination signatures from Monterey voters. All qualifying applications will be submitted for consideration and action by the newly seated Council in December when the election is certified. As specified in the Monterey Charter, the Council must appoint to fill the vacancy and has 40 days to do so; if the Council does not appoint to fill the vacancy by December 19, 2022, the Charter requires that the Mayor make the appointment. The term for this Council seat is set to expire in December 2024.
The agenda report from the November 1, 2022 meeting is available in English and Spanish.
Council vacancy has been filled.