Council Vacancy Applications
Posted, November 29, 2022 - Council Vacancy List of Applicants and Applications Published, with a summary memo by the City Clerk
The current at-large, short-term City Council vacancy must be filled by appointment pursuant to the Monterey Charter. The appointee must reside within, and be registered to vote in, the City of Monterey at large regardless of district.1 The term for this seat is set to expire in December 2024.
The application period for the vacancy ran from November 9, 2022 to Monday, November 28, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. (noon). During the open application period:
- 20 City of Monterey residents were issued application packets;
- 12 applications were received by the deadline with 20 or more voter signatures;
- 11 submitted applications qualified following voter signature verification by the Monterey County Elections Office.
The 11 qualified applications are provided here. They will be presented to the City Council in the evening session of the public Council meeting on December 6, 2022 for consideration, further direction, and possible interviews. Applicants have been notified that they need to attend the meeting and may be interviewed; the public is welcome to attend and to provide comment.
1. Blank application packet
2. Qualified application form – Nicholas Cina (District 3 Resident)
3. Qualified application form – Kevin Dayton (District 1 Resident)
4. Qualified application form – Beth Fabinsky (District 1 Resident)
5. Qualified application form – Jack E. Fields (District 4 Resident)
6. Qualified application form – Gene Garcia (District 4 Resident)
7. Qualified application form – Connie Haugh (District 1 Resident)
8. Qualified application form – Jennifer Haydu (District 1 Resident)
9. Qualified application form – Anne Michaels Seavey (District 2 Resident)
10. Qualified application form – Laura O. Nagel (District 4 Resident)
11. Qualified application form – Daniel Presser (District 3 Resident)
12. Qualified application form – Jean Rasch (District 3 Resident)
1 District Based Elections:
2 The agenda and agenda materials will be posted on I-Search Monterey ( no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting. To subscribe to receive emailed notice of all City Council agendas when they are published, visit: Written comment may be provided by emailing
Council vacancy has been filled.