Council District Election Process/Proceso de elecciones de los distritos del consejo

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The District-Based Election process is now complete. The page is still available for review.

The District-Based Election process is now complete. The page is still available for review. 

Council Chooses to Establish Four Councilmember Districts and a Mayor Elected At-Large - SEE FINAL MAP - The City Council directed staff to draft an ordinance adopting the voting district map known as the “Dolphin” map and placing the Council District 1 and 2 seats on the November 8, 2022 ballot, and the Council District 3 and 4 seats on the November 5, 2024 ballot. 


El Ayuntamiento opta por establecer cuatro concejales por distrito y un alcalde general


At its meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, the City Council adopted a Resolution of Intention as amended to convert from the current at-large method of electing City Councilmembers to a by-district system. The resolution does not change the structure of the City Council; instead it starts the process to implement a district based election system where the City is divided into separate geographical areas of equal population, composed of voters residing within the district which elect a representative who also resides within the district. The resolution adoption triggers the public hearing timeline - see timeline at right (may be subject to change).


En su reunión del martes 16 de noviembre de 2021, el Consejo Municipal adoptó una Resolución de Intención en su forma enmendada para cambiar del método general actual de elegir a los Concejales de la Ciudad a un sistema por distritos. La resolución no cambia la estructura del Consejo Municipal; en su lugar, inicia el proceso para implementar un sistema electoral distrital en el que la ciudad se divide en áreas geográficas separadas con una población igual, compuestas por votantes que residen dentro del distrito y que eligen a un representante que también reside dentro del distrito. La adopción de la resolución activa el cronograma de las audiencias públicas; consulte el cronograma a la derecha (puede estar sujeto a cambios).

The City Council welcomes and encourages feedback from the community on the composition of the yet-to-be-formed voting districts. There are several mandatory criteria that the City must comply with when the districts are created:

a) Population equality across districts (districts shall be nearly as equal in population).

b) Race cannot be the “predominant” factor or criteria when drawing districts.

c) Compliance with the Federal Voting Rights Act (FVRA), which, among other things, prohibits districts that dilute minority voting rights, and encourages a majority-minority district, if the minority group is sufficiently large, and such a district can be drawn without race being the predominant factor.

In addition, the California Elections Code requires to the extent practicable, that district lines compliant with the Federal Voting Rights Act and be adopted using the following criteria, in the following order of priority:

1. Geographically contiguous districts (each city council district should share a common border with the next).

2. To the extent practicable, the geographic integrity of any local neighborhood or local community of interest shall be respected in a manner that minimizes its division.

3. Council district boundaries should be easily identifiable and understandable by residents.

4. To the extent practicable, and where it does not conflict with the preceding criteria in this subdivision, council districts shall be drawn to encourage geographical compactness in a manner that nearby areas of population are not bypassed in favor of more distant populations.

5. The council shall not adopt council district boundaries for the purpose of favoring or discriminating against a political party.

Criterios para la creación de distritos El ayuntamiento aceptará y fomentará la información de la comunidad sobre la composición de los distritos electorales aún por formar. Hay varios criterios obligatorios que la ciudad debe cumplir cuando se creen los distritos:

a) Igualdad de población entre los distritos (los distritos deberán ser casi iguales en población).

b) La raza no puede ser el factor o criterio “predominante” al trazar los distritos.

c) Cumplimiento de la Ley Federal sobre el Derecho al Voto (FVRA, por sus siglas en inglés), que, entre otras cosas, prohíbe los distritos que diluyan los derechos de voto de las minorías, y fomenta la creación de un distrito con mayoría de minorías, si el grupo minoritario es lo suficientemente grande, y dicho distrito puede trazarse sin que la raza sea el factor predominante.

Además, el código electoral de California exige, en la medida de lo posible, que las líneas de los distritos cumplan con la ley federal de derecho al voto y se adopten utilizando los siguientes criterios, en el siguiente orden de prioridad:

1. Distritos geográficamente contiguos (cada distrito municipal debe compartir una frontera común con el siguiente). Las zonas que sólo se encuentran en los puntos de las esquinas adyacentes no son contiguas. Las zonas que están separadas por el agua y no están conectadas por un puente, un túnel o un servicio regular de transbordador no son contiguas.

2. En la medida de lo posible, se respetará la integridad geográfica de cualquier barrio o comunidad de interés local de manera que se minimice su división. Una “comunidad de interés” es una población que comparte intereses sociales o económicos comunes que deben ser incluidos dentro de un único distrito a efectos de su representación efectiva y justa. Las comunidades de interés no incluyen las relaciones con partidos políticos, titulares o candidatos políticos.

3. Los límites de los distritos municipales deben ser fácilmente identificables y comprensibles para los residentes. En la medida de lo posible, los distritos del ayuntamiento deberán estar delimitados por barreras naturales y artificiales, por calles o por los límites de la ciudad.

4. En la medida de lo posible, y siempre que no entre en conflicto con los criterios anteriores de esta subdivisión, los distritos del ayuntamiento se trazarán para fomentar la compactación geográfica de manera que las áreas de población cercanas no sean obviadas en favor de poblaciones más distantes.

5. El ayuntamiento no adoptará los límites de los distritos del ayuntamiento con el propósito de favorecer o discriminar a un partido político.

The district elections conversion is in response to a letter received September 25, 2021 from the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), District 12 (Monterey, San Benito, and Merced counties), to switch to district-based elections.

The California Voting Rights Act of 2001 (“CVRA”) was enacted to implement the California constitutional guarantees of equal protection and the right to vote. (Elections Code section 14031.) Although the CVRA is based on the federal Voting Rights Act, it. expands the protections provided under federal law. Should the City Council vote to adopt the Resolution of Intention to Transition from At-Large to District Based Elections, the City will hold a minimum of five (5) public hearings and conduct an extensive public engagement process over a 90-day period to gather input on communities of interest, and how councilmember districts should be defined, drawn, and adopted. Public hearings and information about the districting process will be available in English and Spanish.

The Monterey City Council invites and encourages public participation at its meetings. Requests for language interpretation may be made by contacting the City Clerk at or (831) 646-3935. The City Clerk will make every effort to accommodate requests for interpreter assistance. Requests should be made as soon as possible in advance of any meeting of the City Council. The City is committed to addressing language interpretation requests swiftly in order to maximize public participation.

El Consejo Municipal de Monterey invita y alienta la participación del público en sus reuniones. Se puede solicitar interpretación de idiomas comunicándose con el secretario de la ciudad a o (831) 646-3935. El secretario de la ciudad hará todo lo posible para adaptarse a las solicitudes de asistencia de interpretación. Las solicitudes deberían hacerse lo antes posible antes de cualquier reunión del Consejo Municipal. La Ciudad se compromete a atender las solicitudes de interpretación de idiomas con rapidez para maximizar la participación del público.

The District-Based Election process is now complete. The page is still available for review. 

Council Chooses to Establish Four Councilmember Districts and a Mayor Elected At-Large - SEE FINAL MAP - The City Council directed staff to draft an ordinance adopting the voting district map known as the “Dolphin” map and placing the Council District 1 and 2 seats on the November 8, 2022 ballot, and the Council District 3 and 4 seats on the November 5, 2024 ballot. 


El Ayuntamiento opta por establecer cuatro concejales por distrito y un alcalde general


At its meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, the City Council adopted a Resolution of Intention as amended to convert from the current at-large method of electing City Councilmembers to a by-district system. The resolution does not change the structure of the City Council; instead it starts the process to implement a district based election system where the City is divided into separate geographical areas of equal population, composed of voters residing within the district which elect a representative who also resides within the district. The resolution adoption triggers the public hearing timeline - see timeline at right (may be subject to change).


En su reunión del martes 16 de noviembre de 2021, el Consejo Municipal adoptó una Resolución de Intención en su forma enmendada para cambiar del método general actual de elegir a los Concejales de la Ciudad a un sistema por distritos. La resolución no cambia la estructura del Consejo Municipal; en su lugar, inicia el proceso para implementar un sistema electoral distrital en el que la ciudad se divide en áreas geográficas separadas con una población igual, compuestas por votantes que residen dentro del distrito y que eligen a un representante que también reside dentro del distrito. La adopción de la resolución activa el cronograma de las audiencias públicas; consulte el cronograma a la derecha (puede estar sujeto a cambios).

The City Council welcomes and encourages feedback from the community on the composition of the yet-to-be-formed voting districts. There are several mandatory criteria that the City must comply with when the districts are created:

a) Population equality across districts (districts shall be nearly as equal in population).

b) Race cannot be the “predominant” factor or criteria when drawing districts.

c) Compliance with the Federal Voting Rights Act (FVRA), which, among other things, prohibits districts that dilute minority voting rights, and encourages a majority-minority district, if the minority group is sufficiently large, and such a district can be drawn without race being the predominant factor.

In addition, the California Elections Code requires to the extent practicable, that district lines compliant with the Federal Voting Rights Act and be adopted using the following criteria, in the following order of priority:

1. Geographically contiguous districts (each city council district should share a common border with the next).

2. To the extent practicable, the geographic integrity of any local neighborhood or local community of interest shall be respected in a manner that minimizes its division.

3. Council district boundaries should be easily identifiable and understandable by residents.

4. To the extent practicable, and where it does not conflict with the preceding criteria in this subdivision, council districts shall be drawn to encourage geographical compactness in a manner that nearby areas of population are not bypassed in favor of more distant populations.

5. The council shall not adopt council district boundaries for the purpose of favoring or discriminating against a political party.

Criterios para la creación de distritos El ayuntamiento aceptará y fomentará la información de la comunidad sobre la composición de los distritos electorales aún por formar. Hay varios criterios obligatorios que la ciudad debe cumplir cuando se creen los distritos:

a) Igualdad de población entre los distritos (los distritos deberán ser casi iguales en población).

b) La raza no puede ser el factor o criterio “predominante” al trazar los distritos.

c) Cumplimiento de la Ley Federal sobre el Derecho al Voto (FVRA, por sus siglas en inglés), que, entre otras cosas, prohíbe los distritos que diluyan los derechos de voto de las minorías, y fomenta la creación de un distrito con mayoría de minorías, si el grupo minoritario es lo suficientemente grande, y dicho distrito puede trazarse sin que la raza sea el factor predominante.

Además, el código electoral de California exige, en la medida de lo posible, que las líneas de los distritos cumplan con la ley federal de derecho al voto y se adopten utilizando los siguientes criterios, en el siguiente orden de prioridad:

1. Distritos geográficamente contiguos (cada distrito municipal debe compartir una frontera común con el siguiente). Las zonas que sólo se encuentran en los puntos de las esquinas adyacentes no son contiguas. Las zonas que están separadas por el agua y no están conectadas por un puente, un túnel o un servicio regular de transbordador no son contiguas.

2. En la medida de lo posible, se respetará la integridad geográfica de cualquier barrio o comunidad de interés local de manera que se minimice su división. Una “comunidad de interés” es una población que comparte intereses sociales o económicos comunes que deben ser incluidos dentro de un único distrito a efectos de su representación efectiva y justa. Las comunidades de interés no incluyen las relaciones con partidos políticos, titulares o candidatos políticos.

3. Los límites de los distritos municipales deben ser fácilmente identificables y comprensibles para los residentes. En la medida de lo posible, los distritos del ayuntamiento deberán estar delimitados por barreras naturales y artificiales, por calles o por los límites de la ciudad.

4. En la medida de lo posible, y siempre que no entre en conflicto con los criterios anteriores de esta subdivisión, los distritos del ayuntamiento se trazarán para fomentar la compactación geográfica de manera que las áreas de población cercanas no sean obviadas en favor de poblaciones más distantes.

5. El ayuntamiento no adoptará los límites de los distritos del ayuntamiento con el propósito de favorecer o discriminar a un partido político.

The district elections conversion is in response to a letter received September 25, 2021 from the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), District 12 (Monterey, San Benito, and Merced counties), to switch to district-based elections.

The California Voting Rights Act of 2001 (“CVRA”) was enacted to implement the California constitutional guarantees of equal protection and the right to vote. (Elections Code section 14031.) Although the CVRA is based on the federal Voting Rights Act, it. expands the protections provided under federal law. Should the City Council vote to adopt the Resolution of Intention to Transition from At-Large to District Based Elections, the City will hold a minimum of five (5) public hearings and conduct an extensive public engagement process over a 90-day period to gather input on communities of interest, and how councilmember districts should be defined, drawn, and adopted. Public hearings and information about the districting process will be available in English and Spanish.

The Monterey City Council invites and encourages public participation at its meetings. Requests for language interpretation may be made by contacting the City Clerk at or (831) 646-3935. The City Clerk will make every effort to accommodate requests for interpreter assistance. Requests should be made as soon as possible in advance of any meeting of the City Council. The City is committed to addressing language interpretation requests swiftly in order to maximize public participation.

El Consejo Municipal de Monterey invita y alienta la participación del público en sus reuniones. Se puede solicitar interpretación de idiomas comunicándose con el secretario de la ciudad a o (831) 646-3935. El secretario de la ciudad hará todo lo posible para adaptarse a las solicitudes de asistencia de interpretación. Las solicitudes deberían hacerse lo antes posible antes de cualquier reunión del Consejo Municipal. La Ciudad se compromete a atender las solicitudes de interpretación de idiomas con rapidez para maximizar la participación del público.

The District-Based Election process is now complete. The page is still available for review.

  • Dec. 9 Community Information Meeting Video Recording

    Share Dec. 9 Community Information Meeting Video Recording on Facebook Share Dec. 9 Community Information Meeting Video Recording on Twitter Share Dec. 9 Community Information Meeting Video Recording on Linkedin Email Dec. 9 Community Information Meeting Video Recording link

    Here's the video from the December 9 Community Information Meeting, describing the process to provide feedback on Councilmember Districts.

    Related files for providing feedback:

    Community of Interest Form (English) | Formulario de comunidad de intereses (Español)


    Community Mapping Tool (English) | Ejercicio de Mapeo Distrital (Español)

    Mapping Tool with NIP Boundary Overlay for reference

  • Council Chooses to Establish Four Councilmember Districts and a Mayor Elected At-Large

    Share Council Chooses to Establish Four Councilmember Districts and a Mayor Elected At-Large on Facebook Share Council Chooses to Establish Four Councilmember Districts and a Mayor Elected At-Large on Twitter Share Council Chooses to Establish Four Councilmember Districts and a Mayor Elected At-Large on Linkedin Email Council Chooses to Establish Four Councilmember Districts and a Mayor Elected At-Large link

    At the first public hearing on district-based elections on December 7, 2021, the City Council voted to establish four councilmember districts and a mayor elected at-large (see Attachment 2). This approach is consistent with the City’s Charter.

    The second public hearing in a series of five public hearings will take place during the Monterey City Council Meeting on December 21, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., with the goal of receiving public input regarding the composition of city councilmember districts before draft map(s) are drawn and presented to the public.

  • First Public Hearing Set for December 7, 2021

    Share First Public Hearing Set for December 7, 2021 on Facebook Share First Public Hearing Set for December 7, 2021 on Twitter Share First Public Hearing Set for December 7, 2021 on Linkedin Email First Public Hearing Set for December 7, 2021 link

    At its Public Hearing on December 7, 2021, the City Council will be asked by Staff to confirm that the mapping process should focus on four (4) councilmember districts and an at-large Mayor, for a total of five (5) members serving on the Monterey City Council, and not on a charter amendment.

    City staff, along with the City’s mapping and districting consultant, Redistricting Partners, will provide a recap of the by-district election conversion process on December 7, 2021.

    This is the first public hearing in a series of five that will take place over the next few months. City staff, along with the City’s mapping and districting consultant, Redistricting Partners, will provide a recap of the by-district election conversion, further describe community outreach efforts, and seek public feedback on the districting process.

    A second public hearing will be held on December 21, 2021.

    December 7, 2021 documents link:

  • Council District Election Process Flyer

    Share Council District Election Process Flyer on Facebook Share Council District Election Process Flyer on Twitter Share Council District Election Process Flyer on Linkedin Email Council District Election Process Flyer link
    supporting image

  • Thu., Dec. 9, 6:00 p.m. - Community Information Virtual Meeting - How to Give Feedback

    Share Thu., Dec. 9, 6:00 p.m. - Community Information Virtual Meeting - How to Give Feedback on Facebook Share Thu., Dec. 9, 6:00 p.m. - Community Information Virtual Meeting - How to Give Feedback on Twitter Share Thu., Dec. 9, 6:00 p.m. - Community Information Virtual Meeting - How to Give Feedback on Linkedin Email Thu., Dec. 9, 6:00 p.m. - Community Information Virtual Meeting - How to Give Feedback link

    The Monterey City Manager's Office will be hosting a virtual community information meeting on Thursday, December 9, at 6:00 p.m. about the City of Monterey's transition from at-large to district-based elections. This focus of this meeting is to share information on how residents can provide feedback on the districting process, including how to submit Communities of Interest forms and submit proposed maps of councilmember districts.

    Registration Link:

  • November 16, 2021 City Council Meeting District Based Elections Items Video-on-Demand

    Share November 16, 2021 City Council Meeting District Based Elections Items Video-on-Demand on Facebook Share November 16, 2021 City Council Meeting District Based Elections Items Video-on-Demand on Twitter Share November 16, 2021 City Council Meeting District Based Elections Items Video-on-Demand on Linkedin Email November 16, 2021 City Council Meeting District Based Elections Items Video-on-Demand link

    Here's the video from the November 16, 2021 City Council Meeting Items 15 and 16 regarding the topic of District Based Elections.

  • News Release and Links to November 16, 2021 Council Meeting

    Share News Release and Links to November 16, 2021 Council Meeting on Facebook Share News Release and Links to November 16, 2021 Council Meeting on Twitter Share News Release and Links to November 16, 2021 Council Meeting on Linkedin Email News Release and Links to November 16, 2021 Council Meeting link

    11/15/2021: City Council to Consider Converting from an At-Large Method of Election to a By-District System - NEWS RELEASE IN PDF


    At its meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, the City Council will consider adopting a Resolution of Intention to convert from the current at-large method of electing City Councilmembers to a by-district system. A proposed resolution would not change the structure of the City Council; instead it would start the process to implement a district based election system where the City is divided into separate geographical areas of equal population, composed of voters residing within the district which elect a representative who also resides within the district. With Council approval, City staff is required to complete the process by early February 2022.

    The City Council is considering this conversion in response to a letter received September 25, 2021 from the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), District 12 (Monterey, San Benito, and Merced counties), to switch to district-based elections.

    The California Voting Rights Act of 2001 (“CVRA”) was enacted to implement the California constitutional guarantees of equal protection and the right to vote. (Elections Code section 14031.) Although the CVRA is based on the federal Voting Rights Act, it. expands the protections provided under federal law. Should the City Council vote to adopt the Resolution of Intention to Transition from At-Large to District Based Elections, the City will hold a minimum of five (5) public hearings and conduct an extensive public engagement process over a 90-day period to gather input on communities of interest, and how councilmember districts should be defined, drawn, and adopted. Public hearings and information about the districting process would also be available in Spanish. (See Key Dates section at right. Schedule is subject to change.)

    The Monterey City Council invites and encourages public participation at its meetings. Requests for language interpretation may be made by contacting the City Clerk at or (831) 646-3935. The City Clerk will make every effort to accommodate requests for interpreter assistance. Requests should be made as soon as possible in advance of any meeting of the City Council. The City is committed to addressing language interpretation requests swiftly in order to maximize public participation.

    El Consejo Municipal de Monterey invita y alienta la participación del público en sus reuniones. Se puede solicitar interpretación de idiomas comunicándose con el secretario de la ciudad a o (831) 646-3935. El secretario de la ciudad hará todo lo posible para adaptarse a las solicitudes de asistencia de interpretación. Las solicitudes deberían hacerse lo antes posible antes de cualquier reunión del Consejo Municipal. La Ciudad se compromete a atender las solicitudes de interpretación de idiomas con rapidez para maximizar la participación del público.