Council to Consider Adoption of ADA Transition Plan 2024 Update on December 17
The Monterey City Council is scheduled to consider the adoption of the ADA Transition Plan 2024 Update at its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 17, during the evening session that begins at 7:00 p.m. The meeting, held in the City Council Chamber, will be the final meeting of the year.
The Transition Plan identifies and prioritizes disabled access projects, estimates project costs, highlights an implementation schedule and funding strategy, and grievance and monitoring programs.
Over the past ten years, the City has completed over 90 ADA-related infrastructure projects totaling approximately $28 million, enhancing accessibility across our community. These improvements include:
- 68 projects, including curb ramps, sidewalk, and pedestrian signals, totaling $24.3 million
- 8 building projects, including upgrades to the Monterey Sports Center, Colton Hall, City Council Chambers and Dry Boat Storage Facility, totaling $2 million
- 7 parking lot projects, including the Breakwater Lot, Downtown West Garage, and Waterfront Parking Lot, totaling $600,000
- 7 park projects, including Scholze Park, Veterans Park, Cypress Park, and Dennis the Menace Park, totaling $1.1 million
The purpose of this current update is to identify and update any gaps in the prior plan and incorporate incremental changes in accessibility regulations and/or City policy/structure that may have occurred over the prior decade. The process included an investigation and document review of the City’s policies, programs, services, and activities, and previously completed plans. Additionally, where gaps were identified in the Transition Plan, field inspections and updated reports were provided for City facilities and the public rights-of-way. The existing Transition Plan was also updated to include updated scheduling and budgeting information for barrier removal, and to document previously identified items that have since been corrected.
A summary of the ADA Transition Plan Update will be presented to the City Council at its December 17th meeting.
The proposed plan being presented to the City Council can be found on the webpage for the December 17, 2024 City Council Agenda under Item No. 17:

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