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The City of Monterey recently published a Request for Proposals for an update to its (Americans with Disabilities Act) ADA Transition Plan and selected Jensen Hughes as the consultant to undertake this project. In 2012, the City completed the most recent ADA Transition Plan Update, identifying 34 buildings, 27 parks, 22 parking lots/structures, and approximately 1150 curb ramps and 300 pedestrian signals in need of improvements to meet Federal and State accessibility standards. Since then, the City has incrementally completed the recommended changes.
The Americans Disabilities Act requires each public entity to conduct and maintain an ADA Transition Plan. This Plan identifies where a facility, program, service, or practice may be deficient according to current ADA standards. Once identified, it will rank the deficiency for overall importance, provide a rough cost estimate to bring the item into compliance, and create a schedule to complete the required repairs. If the entity does not have and maintain a current ADA transition, it will be out of compliance with federal law.
The DOJ has required all jurisdictions to maintain and update, as needed, ADA Transition Plans. Transition Plans must include a self-evaluation of all programs, services, and activities in addition to access to all City-owned facilities. By updating the existing ADA Transition Plan, the City of Monterey will stay in compliance with the requirements set forth by the Department of Justice.
The new update will include an initial investigation and document review of the City’s policies, programs, services, and activities; a field survey and field inspections (as needed) for public rights-of-way, facilities, City rental properties, parks, and parking lot inspections; database and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) integration; and a final, updated ADA Transition Plan document to be adopted by the CIty Council.
The City of Monterey recently published a Request for Proposals for an update to its (Americans with Disabilities Act) ADA Transition Plan and selected Jensen Hughes as the consultant to undertake this project. In 2012, the City completed the most recent ADA Transition Plan Update, identifying 34 buildings, 27 parks, 22 parking lots/structures, and approximately 1150 curb ramps and 300 pedestrian signals in need of improvements to meet Federal and State accessibility standards. Since then, the City has incrementally completed the recommended changes.
The Americans Disabilities Act requires each public entity to conduct and maintain an ADA Transition Plan. This Plan identifies where a facility, program, service, or practice may be deficient according to current ADA standards. Once identified, it will rank the deficiency for overall importance, provide a rough cost estimate to bring the item into compliance, and create a schedule to complete the required repairs. If the entity does not have and maintain a current ADA transition, it will be out of compliance with federal law.
The DOJ has required all jurisdictions to maintain and update, as needed, ADA Transition Plans. Transition Plans must include a self-evaluation of all programs, services, and activities in addition to access to all City-owned facilities. By updating the existing ADA Transition Plan, the City of Monterey will stay in compliance with the requirements set forth by the Department of Justice.
The new update will include an initial investigation and document review of the City’s policies, programs, services, and activities; a field survey and field inspections (as needed) for public rights-of-way, facilities, City rental properties, parks, and parking lot inspections; database and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) integration; and a final, updated ADA Transition Plan document to be adopted by the CIty Council.
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At the December 17, 2024 Monterey City Council Meeting, the Monterey City Council approved the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan 2024 Update. The full agenda report is available at The goal of the plan, in collaboration with our community partners, is to work to improve the quality of life of all of our community members by fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion; champion equitable access to affordable housing; maintain a safe environment; and expand opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to bike and walk safely through active transportation, accessibility, and safety initiatives.
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The Monterey City Council is scheduled to consider the adoption of the ADA Transition Plan 2024 Update at its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 17, during the evening session that begins at 7:00 p.m. The meeting, held in the City Council Chamber, will be the final meeting of the year.
The Transition Plan identifies and prioritizes disabled access projects, estimates project costs, highlights an implementation schedule and funding strategy, and grievance and monitoring programs.
Over the past ten years, the City has completed over 90 ADA-related infrastructure projects totaling approximately $28 million, enhancing accessibility across our community. These improvements include:
68 projects, including curb ramps, sidewalk, and pedestrian signals, totaling $24.3 million
8 building projects, including upgrades to the Monterey Sports Center, Colton Hall, City Council Chambers and Dry Boat Storage Facility, totaling $2 million
7 parking lot projects, including the Breakwater Lot, Downtown West Garage, and Waterfront Parking Lot, totaling $600,000
7 park projects, including Scholze Park, Veterans Park, Cypress Park, and Dennis the Menace Park, totaling $1.1 million
The purpose of this current update is to identify and update any gaps in the prior plan and incorporate incremental changes in accessibility regulations and/or City policy/structure that may have occurred over the prior decade. The process included an investigation and document review of the City’s policies, programs, services, and activities, and previously completed plans. Additionally, where gaps were identified in the Transition Plan, field inspections and updated reports were provided for City facilities and the public rights-of-way. The existing Transition Plan was also updated to include updated scheduling and budgeting information for barrier removal, and to document previously identified items that have since been corrected.
A summary of the ADA Transition Plan Update will be presented to the City Council at its December 17th meeting.
The proposed plan being presented to the City Council can be found on the webpage for the December 17, 2024 City Council Agenda under Item No. 17:
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Thank you to our community members for joining City officials and Jensen Hughes consultants in reviewing the latest progress regarding the ongoing ADA transition plan update. Your participation is important and appreciated. For all who may have missed this opportunity but still want to participate, please feel free to watch the recordings below and provide any additional feedback in our "Community Comments" section.
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Mark your calendars as a date has been set for our next town hall meetings. Members of the public are invited to attend an upcoming town hall along with team members from consultant Jensen Hughes regarding the City's ongoing ADA Transition Plan update. In an effort to accommodate as many community members as possible, two sessions will be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023. The first session will take place at 10:00 a.m. in the Monterey Council Chamber, and the second session will take place at 6:00 p.m. online via ZOOM.
The City is seeking feedback from the community about their experiences and recommendations for ADA improvements.
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Community members joined City officials and Jensen Hughes consultants to review the latest progress and gather additional information regarding the ongoing ADA transition plan update. More town hall sessions will be scheduled in the near future. An announcement regarding the date(s) and time(s) of the next session(s) will be published here as soon as the information becomes available.
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Members of the public are invited to attend an upcoming town hall with consultant Jensen Hughes regarding the City's ongoing ADA Transition Plan update. In an effort to accommodate as many community members as possible, two sessions will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2023. The first session will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the Monterey Council Chamber, and the second session will take place at 6:30 p.m. online via ZOOM.
The City is seeking feedback from the community about their experiences and recommendations for ADA improvements.
ADA Transition Plan Update has finished this stage
Project kickoff meetings held with consultant Jensen Hughes where key points and project timeline were highlighted.
Initial Investigation & Document Review - Fall 2022
ADA Transition Plan Update has finished this stage
Facilities analysis, coordination, and inspection planning all conducted as well as a review of City policy, programs, services, and activities.
Field Survey, Self Evaluation, & Public Roundtable Discussion - Winter 2022/2023
ADA Transition Plan Update has finished this stage
Processing and updating existing self evaluation as well as transition plan data and questionnaires. Field inspections completed as needed. Public roundtable discussion conducted to field questions and address citizens' concerns.
ADA Transition Plan Town Halls
ADA Transition Plan Update has finished this stage
Public town halls to be conducted with consultant Jensen Hughes on January 26th, 2023 at 10:00am in the Council Chambers and 6:30pm on Zoom.
ADA Transition Plan Town Halls Round Two
ADA Transition Plan Update has finished this stage
Public town halls to be conducted with consultant Jensen Hughes on March 15th, 2023 at 10:00am in the Council Chambers and 6:00pm on Zoom.
Quality Control & Assistance Conducted - Spring 2023
ADA Transition Plan Update has finished this stage
Public right-of-way, public buildings, and parks to be addressed.
2023 ADA Transition Plan Update Finalized - Summer 2024
ADA Transition Plan Update has finished this stage
2023 ADA Transition Plan Update and self evaluation plans drafted, submitted, and finalized.
ADA Transition Plan Adoption - Dec. 17, 2024
ADA Transition Plan Update is currently at this stage
Final adoption of the 2024 ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan.