North Fremont Gap Project Update

The City has been looking for multiple grant opportunities to fund the construction of the North Fremont Gap Project, officially the "North Fremont Bike and Pedestrian Improvement from Casanova to Canyon Del Rey (North Side)" Project. The City is currently applying for the Clean California Local Grant Program and California Department of Parks and Recreation Proposition 68 grant program. These programs allocate funds for local communities to beautify and improve local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, and transit centers to clean and enhance public spaces as well as improve access to regional parks, such as Laguna Grande Regional Park.
The North Fremont Gap Project will construct a multi-use ADA accessible bicycle and pedestrian path along North Fremont Street between Casanova Ave and Canyon Del Rey Blvd (SR 218). These improvements include a Class 1 multi-use path with a bridge that links the existing pedestrian sidewalk and Class IV bicycle infrastructure on North Fremont to future planned trail projects (FORTAG – Fort Ord Trail and Greenway, for more information visit:
The project will complete this critical gap and increase pedestrian safety; bicycle access to and through the mixed-use neighborhood; increase access to neighborhood shopping and transit; reduce vehicle trips; and complete a major piece of the Citywide Bicycle Network. The adjacent neighborhoods would greatly benefit from having a safe and convenient alternative to the use of an automobile to commute to such destinations.