North Fremont Bike and Pedestrian Access Project Goal
The North Fremont Bicycle and Pedestrian Project is the “kick-off” to realizing many of the goals outlined in the City’s Multi-Modal Plan “Monterey-on-the-Move”. The North Fremont project is an improvement for people of all-modes and will allow the City to make necessary ADA improvements along North Fremont as well. The goal of this project is to make North Fremont a safer and more accessible place for people of all abilities and travel modes. This is also a part of the vision for the North Fremont Specific Plan. For more information please see the North Fremont Specific Plan Website:
As part of the project, Median Protected Bike Lanes (Class IV) were implemented to improve access for bicyclists. As illustrated in the image above, bicyclist fall into several categories of comfort levels. In order to improve comfortable access for the majority of bicyclists rider types the City selected Class IV facilities. For more information on the safety benefits for Class IV facilities, check out our other Facts About North Fremont article, "Why not just do Traditional Bike Lanes (Class II)?"
Photo source: FHWA Bikeway Selection Guide and for a full size image click the photo.