City of Monterey Collision Statistics
The primary data source for determining collision trends and emphasis areas (i.e. bicycles, pedestrians, DUI) is from police department collision reports. Collision reports include important information for determining tends such as the primary collision factor or primary cause of the accident, severity of injury, and collision type.
The graph below shows collision types by year which occurred in the City of Monterey between 2019 and 2023. Collision type is a general description of the type of collision which was the first event, for example if a driver rear-ends the car in front of him, it would be considered a rear-end crash type. If the car that rear-ended, gets pushed of the road and hits a sign, although the car hit an object the overall collision type is still rear-end not hit object.
The graphs below the Crash Injury Level by year and for the overall time period of 2019 to 2023. The majority of collisions which occur in the City of Monterey are Property Damage Only (PDO), this accounts for nearly 70% of total collisions in the City of Monterey. In comparison, the Fatal and Severe collisions account for two percent (2%) of the total collisions.
A big thank you to our Police Department and Information Services Division for the help in extracting collision data.
Please note that this data only includes reported collisions including collisions reported after the fact, also 2023 data is provisional and does not include the entire year, you can click on an image to see it in a larger size.