Summer Update, posted August 29, 2023
It’s been a busy summer! On June 15, the City of Seaside City Council adopted the Laguna Grande Regional Park Trail and Maintenance Strategy Project Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigated Monitoring and Reporting Program, as well as the Laguna Grande Regional Park Trail and Maintenance Strategy. On July 5, the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District Board took the same actions.
Also this summer, all four (Joint Power Agency) JPA agencies filed a Notice of Declaration (NOD) with the County.
The JPA staff is in the process of developing a scope of work and drafting a Request for Proposals for professional services for a consultant to help shepherd the JPA through the permitting process. The permit process is expected to take approximately a year to complete. The various permits may include: Coastal Development Permit (CA Coastal Commission), Lake/Streambed Alteration Permit 1600 (CA Department of Fish and Wildlife), Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit (US Army Corps of Engineers), Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification (Central Coast Regional Water Quality Board), and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review.
Preparations are underway for a JPA Board meeting in the fall.

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