December 2022 Update

Good news! New playground equipment has been installed at the park! This project was completed using Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program (NCIP) funding and features a nature theme with earthtone colors. To promote climbing and imaginative play, the set includes faux rocks and a faux tree stump. The structure also includes multiple slides, new swings and a carousel for twirling. Children and families will certainly enjoy these new upgrades.
Significant work continues on the Laguna Grande Regional Park Trail and Vegetation Maintenance Strategy including:
- research and confirmation of private property ownership and easements for public access and maintenance;
- confirmation of the park boundary that involves three jurisdictions and a mixture of private and public property;
- creation of multiple maps and park depictions to accompany the environmental study;
- refinement of trail locations based on feedback from the JPA agencies and public input;
- initial evaluation of biological and archeological resources within the park;
- meeting negotiations to update and solidify future general park maintenance by multiple agencies, and;
- preliminary work for numerous environmental permits based on the impending plan finalization and CEQA document.
Next steps include a public review period of the draft environmental document in the winter of 2023 and certification of the document by the Laguna Grande JPA Board, the Monterey Regional Park District Board, the City of Seaside City Council and the City of Monterey City Council in the spring of 2023.
After certification of the environmental document, a multitude of environmental permits must be obtained before any significant maintenance or Capital Improvement Projects implemented. The permit process is expected to take approximately a year.
The various permits may include: Coastal Development Permit (CA Coastal Commission), Lake/Streambed Alteration Permit 1600 (CA Department of Fish and Wildlife), Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit (US Army Corps of Engineers), Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification (Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board), and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review.
Next Laguna Grande JPA Board meeting is targeted for spring 2023.

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