Participate in Public Hearing #3, Tues., Jan. 18, 7:00 PM

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 - 3rd Public Hearing - Public comment on draft maps and election sequence/timeline, Regular Council Meeting, Item 11 at 7:00 PM.

We hope you will tune in at to participate in the next step of the district-based elections process (see for other ways to participate):

Third Public Hearing to Receive Public Input Regarding the Composition of City Councilmember Districts After Draft Map or Maps are Drawn and on the Potential Sequence of Elections for Staggered Terms of Office; Tercera audiencia pública para recibir la opinión del público sobre la composición de los distritos de los concejales de la ciudad después de la elaboración del proyecto de mapa o mapas y sobre la posible secuencia de elecciones para mandatos alternados

Links are also posted at and

Agenda Report (Item 11) - ENGLISH | Español

Attachment 1: Atlas of Draft District Maps - ENGLISH | Español

Attachment 2: Current Timeline - ENGLISH | Español

Attachment 3: Second Public Hearing Agenda Report - ENGLISH | Español

Attachment 4: First Public Hearing Agenda Report - ENGLISH | Español

Attachment 5: Nov 16 Council Presentation - ENGLISH | Español

Attachment 6: Adopt a Resolution of Intention Agenda Report - ENGLISH | Español

Attachment 7: Resolution of Intention to Initiate Procedures for Establishing and Implementing District-Based Elections - ENGLISH | Español

Attachment 8: Flyer in English and Español

Attachment 9: Community Interest Form and Mapping Tool - ENGLISH | Español

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The District-Based Election process is now complete. The page is still available for review.

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