Monterey County's Indoor Face Covering Ordinance Starts November 5
Monterey County has enacted an indoor mask mandate, which requires all residents, both in cities and unincorporated areas, to wear facial coverings indoors with some exemptions:
- When people are in their own homes
- If alone or with members of their household in a closed room, office or vehicle
- When taking part in an activity where masks cannot be worn such as eating or swimming
- Where a mask would impede a medical or cosmetic procedure
- At meetings or gatherings where all vaccinated persons show proof of vaccination and unvaccinated persons wear face coverings at all times other than when eating or drinking.
The mandate went into effect on November 5, 2021. Additional information about the ordinance is available in Monterey County's Mask Mandate Information Sheet: or contact the Monterey County Health Department at 831-755-4500.
The COVID-19 Emergency Order was terminated by City Council Resolution at the February 21, 2023 City Council Meeting, effective February 28, 2023. See the most recent news item for details.