Community Development Block Grant Funding

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What Are the Housing and Community Development Needs in Your Neighborhood?

The City wants you to have a voice in how these grant dollars are invested for low- and mid-income residents.

Survey closed January 31, 2025.


The City of Monterey is starting a new 5-year cycle of the Consolidated Housing Plan for federal funding, and we need Monterey residents to be involved in the process! We have built this page on the Have Your Say Monterey engagement portal to help us stay connected and engaged through this process. We need to hear from our community about housing needs. This page includes a timeline - including dates our staff will be at community events to meet you; a survey; meeting dates for City Council updates, and much more. We all know housing is a big topic, not just in Monterey, but in California. Working together we can solve some of our biggest housing and other community challenges.


The City of Monterey (City) has the goal of creating a community that effectively invests in their residents as recipients of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Consolidated Plan (Consolidated Plan) is a five-year strategic plan to address community development and housing needs that are specific to the City. The City utilizes the Consolidated Plan to allocate maximum efforts, including programming and funds, towards housing and community development goals. These priorities are established through careful and considerate analysis by researching demographics of the City, housing affordability and purchasing rates, economic standards, and other important factors.

An Annual Action Plan is developed every year to implement strategies to address community needs and goals developed in the Consolidated Plan process. This yearly plan describes the City’s CDBG-related projects and activities for the upcoming Program Year (PY). The Action Plan includes proposed actions to address the objectives and needs identified in the Consolidated Plan. The City reports on accomplishments and progress of Consolidated Plan goals in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) at the end of each year during the five-year Consolidated Plan cycle. The Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan are both required by federal law to receive grant funding.

Additionally, as part of the Consolidated Plan, as a grantee, the City will submit a certification to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing, (AFFH), which requires undertaking Fair Housing Planning through the completion of 1) an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, 2) Actions to eliminate any identified impediments, and 3) Maintenance of AFFH records. Finally, accomplishments and progress of meeting the goals of the Consolidated Plan are reported yearly in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).

Summary of the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan Needs Assessment Overview
The analysis of data identified needs for vulnerable populations including the significant number of low income households and the need for affordable housing units. The strategy for community improvement using CDBG funds will focus on the following five broad goals:

  1. Improve housing opportunities for 0-80 percent AMI households through new construction and preservation of existing affordable housing stock;
  2. Provide for a suitable living environment for all residents and income levels;
  3. Creating affordability;
  4. Public Infrastructure;
  5. Economic development;
  6. Provide optimal program administration and oversight of the CDBG program to continue planning efforts to address the needs of extremely low, very low, and low-income households and areas.

What Are the Housing and Community Development Needs in Your Neighborhood?

The City wants you to have a voice in how these grant dollars are invested for low- and mid-income residents.

Survey closed January 31, 2025.


The City of Monterey is starting a new 5-year cycle of the Consolidated Housing Plan for federal funding, and we need Monterey residents to be involved in the process! We have built this page on the Have Your Say Monterey engagement portal to help us stay connected and engaged through this process. We need to hear from our community about housing needs. This page includes a timeline - including dates our staff will be at community events to meet you; a survey; meeting dates for City Council updates, and much more. We all know housing is a big topic, not just in Monterey, but in California. Working together we can solve some of our biggest housing and other community challenges.


The City of Monterey (City) has the goal of creating a community that effectively invests in their residents as recipients of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Consolidated Plan (Consolidated Plan) is a five-year strategic plan to address community development and housing needs that are specific to the City. The City utilizes the Consolidated Plan to allocate maximum efforts, including programming and funds, towards housing and community development goals. These priorities are established through careful and considerate analysis by researching demographics of the City, housing affordability and purchasing rates, economic standards, and other important factors.

An Annual Action Plan is developed every year to implement strategies to address community needs and goals developed in the Consolidated Plan process. This yearly plan describes the City’s CDBG-related projects and activities for the upcoming Program Year (PY). The Action Plan includes proposed actions to address the objectives and needs identified in the Consolidated Plan. The City reports on accomplishments and progress of Consolidated Plan goals in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) at the end of each year during the five-year Consolidated Plan cycle. The Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan are both required by federal law to receive grant funding.

Additionally, as part of the Consolidated Plan, as a grantee, the City will submit a certification to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing, (AFFH), which requires undertaking Fair Housing Planning through the completion of 1) an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, 2) Actions to eliminate any identified impediments, and 3) Maintenance of AFFH records. Finally, accomplishments and progress of meeting the goals of the Consolidated Plan are reported yearly in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).

Summary of the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan Needs Assessment Overview
The analysis of data identified needs for vulnerable populations including the significant number of low income households and the need for affordable housing units. The strategy for community improvement using CDBG funds will focus on the following five broad goals:

  1. Improve housing opportunities for 0-80 percent AMI households through new construction and preservation of existing affordable housing stock;
  2. Provide for a suitable living environment for all residents and income levels;
  3. Creating affordability;
  4. Public Infrastructure;
  5. Economic development;
  6. Provide optimal program administration and oversight of the CDBG program to continue planning efforts to address the needs of extremely low, very low, and low-income households and areas.

  • Resident Survey Closed for Consolidated Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2029) And Annual Action Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2026)

    Share Resident Survey Closed for Consolidated Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2029) And Annual Action Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2026) on Facebook Share Resident Survey Closed for Consolidated Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2029) And Annual Action Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2026) on Twitter Share Resident Survey Closed for Consolidated Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2029) And Annual Action Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2026) on Linkedin Email Resident Survey Closed for Consolidated Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2029) And Annual Action Plan (Fiscal Year 2025-2026) link

    What Are the Housing and Community Development Needs In Your Neighborhood?

    The City of Monterey receives approximately $250,000 from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) each year for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Combined with program income from previous activities, the City typically has access to about $1 million for housing and community development activities.

    The funding is used for public social services programs, capital improvement and housing projects for individuals meeting low- and mid-income requirements as defined by HUD.

    The City wants you to have a voice in how these grant dollars are invested for low- and mid-income residents.



    La ciudad de Monterey recibe aproximadamente $250,000 del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) de EE. UU. cada año para el Programa de Subsidios en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG). Combinado con los ingresos del programa de actividades anteriores, la Ciudad generalmente tiene acceso a alrededor de $1 millón para actividades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario.

    Los fondos se utilizan para programas de servicios sociales públicos, mejoras de capital y proyectos de vivienda para personas que cumplen con los requisitos de ingresos bajos y medios según lo define HUD.

    La Ciudad quiere que usted tenga voz sobre cómo se invierten estos dólares de las subvenciones para los residentes de ingresos bajos y medios.

    QR Code for Survey in English.

    Código QR Para Encuesta en Español.

Page last updated: 13 Mar 2025, 10:46 AM